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| $ 

- : ie ed 




Five Shillings 
One Dollar 

Published By the Author 
The White House, 20 Pewley Hill, Guildford 

Surrey, England 



U. S. A. Copyright 1947 By Arnold Leese 

All Rights Reserved 

Printed In the U. S. A. 

Arnold Leese, 20, Pewley Hill, Guildford 
Surrey, England 



The first edition of my book took nine months to 
complete. I began work on it in the Spring of 1945. 
Berlin had fallen and Hitler had died among his soldiers. 
Mussolini had been bestially murdered. The San Fran- 
cisco Conference was in full swing. 

This book has entailed many hundreds of hours of 
labour. Working entirely by hand, with the aid of a few 
friends, countless difficulties had to be overcome. Owing 
to the limited number of first edition copies produced, I 
asked my friends to make known the facts contained 

The appalling events which have taken place in 
Europe since the Spring of 1945 are sufficient justifica- 
tion for all that I have written. As long ago as 1924 I 
stated that there are two things worse, even, than war. 
The one is INJUSTICE. The other is a Bolshevist Peace! 

22nd December 1945 


Dedicated to the hundreds of patriotice 
Britons who, with the Author, were im- 
prisoned without charge or trial during the 
Second World War. 



I stood, as Mr. Richard Stokes, M. P., stood, for a 
negotiated peace, but, possibly, on vastly different 
grounds. Mr. Stokes was not interned, because he will 
not face the Jewish Menace. Since the beginning of the 
War, I did what little I could in favour of a negotiated 
peace, no matter which side was for the moment on top. 
I believe that the War was, from the National standpoint, 
a disaster—wrong and unnecessary. For holding similar 
views on other wars contemporary to them, such well- 
known men as: Pitt, Fox, Bright, Lloyd George, Ramsay 
MacDonald and the present Home Secretary Herbert 
Morrison were not interned. There is of course a dif- 
ference in my case, as I am attacking the Jews and they 
were not, and the Jew holds supreme power. 

I have attacked the Jews before and won a great 
mora] victory over them. The Jews had me imprisoned 
for six months in 1936 for what was said to be a “public 
mischief” in that I mentioned in my paper, “The Fascist,” 
the subject of Jewish Ritual Murder. Evidently judging 
me by their own standards, they thought to frighten me 
into silence. When I came out of prison I published a 
book on the subject, and they honoured me by maintaining 
a silence so intense that it could almost be heard! They 
were afraid to advertise it by taking another action against 
me. I defied them successfully and the book has since 
been distributed all over the world. I hope therefore to 
do it successfully again. 

This War was Jewish and has never had any other 
object than the salvation of the Jews from Hitler. The 

first nine chapters of this book disprove the “causes” given 
from time to time by politicians and others for our being 
in a War which even the ignorant mob had sensed and 
labelled “phoney.” The Tenth Chapter deals with a half- 
truth prevalent amongst the better-informed. The rest 
of the book completes my case that the War was Jewish 
and that Britain was forced into it for Jewish purposes. 
The world has only seen one more stupendous bluff than 
this war, and that was Jewish too. 

20 Pewley Hill, 
Guildford, Surrey 
5th May 1945 


The first edition, limited a a few hundred copies pro- 
duced by my friends after great exertion by the roneo 
process, was at once sold out. 

In this second edition some changes have been made 
in the text and new material has been added. An index 
and Appendices have been included. Appendix I is on 
the War of Extermination which is still going on. Only 
the means have changed. Then it was bombing. Now 
it is starvation. Appendix II is an outline of what the 
world rejected in Hitler’s peace offer of April 1, 1936. 
Appendix III is an unpublished letter on the Nuremberg 
Trial sent to the (London) Times. Appendix IV is on 
new appointments. 

lst April 1947 













We Fought to Save Poland’s 
Independence. ..............cieeeeeeeeeee ee eeece eee 

“We Are Fighting In Defense of 
Freedom” (Lord Halifax) ................. 

“We Are Fighting for Peace” 
(Lord Halifax) oo... ...e cece ceceeceeeee cee ee ees 

“We Are Meeting a Challenge to 
Our Own Security” (Lord Hali- 
TAX) ERE sn ehmak terete E Sarees 

“We Are Defending the Rights 
All Nations to Live Their Own 
Lives” and “Fighting Against 
Substitution of Brute Force for 
Law As the Arbiter Between Na- 
tions” (Lord Halifax)........00000000000000. 

“We Are Fighting Against the 
Violation of the Sanctity of Trea- 
ties and Disregard of the Pledged 

“We Are Fighting Today for the 
Preservation of Christian Princi- 
ples” (The (London) Times, 
17th Feb. 1940)... 

“We Are Fighting As Our Fath- 
ers Fought to Uphold the Doc- 
trine That All Men Are Equal In 
the Sight of God” (Franklin D. 
Roosevelt, 6th Jan. 1942)... 2... 

“We Are Fighting for Democ- 
TACY cent et oe lt set dat SPI se 



The Theory That High Finance 
Caused the War. ..........0. cece eeecceeeeeeeee 48 

The Object Is to Destroy Fas- 

cism and Hitlerism..........................-... 50 
CHAPTER XII Unprepared and Blindfolded............ 55 
CHAPTER XIII Hitler Always Knew His Real 
| OF +=) 41 hee ee 60 
CHAPTER XIV Hitler Wanted Peace With 
Britain. oo... e cee ccecceccceeccceccccececeeeee cones 64 
CHAPTER XV How Britain Was Egged On to 
Make Wab......-2....ccc.ccccccccccccecececeeeeceseee 68 
CHAPTER XVI The Jews Acknowledge Their 
Power and Threaten.......0..0...00..00022--- T4 
CHAPTER XVII The Jews Declare War........0......020..-- 79 
CHAPTER XVIII The Jewish War............0....2...ccccseeeeeeee 89 
CHAPTER XIX The Peace: Britain Defeated— 
Whoever WiI0S...........002.2222:00cceeeeeeeeeee ee 104 
CHAPTER XX Conclusion. ._..2-.0. cece cece eceeeeeeeeeeeeeee eee aaa 108 
I The War of Extermination....00000000000000cce eee 110 
II What the World Rejected: Hitler’s Peace 
Offer of April 1, 1936..................ceecccccceeeee eee ceeee 112 
III The Nuremberg Trial......0000000000000000000000000000014- 114 
IV New Appointments... cee eee cent eee 115 
Bibliography. ..............2222220cccceecee cee cece cceeeeeeeeseeeeececnceneeserereeees 119 
TEND DD, notes EE EEEE ence tiar ts nels Moc ed ieet as 120-124 

Chapter I 


Was it in defense of Poland that we were sent to 

Assurance of British support to Poland if she were 
attacked was officially announced by Prime Minister 
Neville Chamberlain on 31st March 1939 in these words: 

“In the event of any action which clearly threat- 
ens Polish independence and which the Polish Gov- 
evrnment think necessary to oppose with their national 
forces, Britain and France will give all the support 
in their power.” 

At first sight, it would seem that the independence of 
Poland was a cause upon which the British Empire was 
ready to stake its whole existence. A short contempla- 
tion of that theory is enough to dispose of it. 

Poland’s geographical position alone rendered it ut- 
terly impractictable for us to protect that country’s in- 
dependence against the armed might of Germany. We may 
think what we like of the moral stature or moral dwarf- 
dom of the members of His Majesty’s Government, but 
they are at least intelligent enough not to need to con- 
sult some twelve-year-old schoolgirl with her six-penny 
atlas in a matter so obvious. When they allowed Mr. 
Chamberlain to make this statement, almost but not quite 
unchallenged, they knew that success was impossible. 

That is the point: They knew! 

In other words, they acted without consideration for 
the welfare of their country and Empire in risking the 
annihilation of both for something they knew impossible 
to achieve. 

Lord Arnold condemned this pact with Poland as 

“". . one of the most unwise decisions ever made 
by a British Government.” 

A few other members of the two Houses spoke in a 
similar strain, but that was all! 

Within a month, the future slaughter was assured by 
the adoption of compulsory military training for all Brit- 
ish males on reaching the age of twenty. The call for 
National Service had already been made in the form of 
a booklet sent to every household in the country and com- 
piled by Humbert Wolfe, a Jew. 

The formal agreement of Mutual Assistance was 
made on the 25th 1939 and was accompanied by a huge 
loan to Poland. Those who made it knew there could 
be no such thing as mutual assistance between Poland and 
Britain. By the time Britain could, by some miracle, 
operate to “save” Poland, the patient would be dead. 
Article 2 of this document left it to Poland to decide 
when the British Empire should risk al] in war, 

Our assistance was made to depend upon “action by 
a European Power which clearly threatened, directly or 
indirectly the independence” of Poland and “was of such 
a nature that the Party in question” (Poland) “consid- 
ered it vital to resist with its armed forces.” It was not 
left to Britain or France to do the considering. If the 
Polish Government considered, we had to come in. It is 
important, therefore, to recall that the Polish Foreign 
Minister at the time was Colonel Beck, son of a converted 
Jew,* and that the correspondent in England of the Polish 
Telegraph Agency was Stefan Litauer, also a Jew. Our 
Foreign Minister was Lord Halifax, whose son and heir 
married the grand-daughter of a Rothschild. Our War 
Minister was Hore-Belisha, a Jew. 

When Col. Beck died in 1944, it was typical of the 
conspiracy of silence maintained by the Press, that the 
Times (London) obituary notice, although describing how 
Beck visited England to discuss the future agreement 
which dragged us into war, made no mention of him be- 
ing a Jew. 

*“Polish Foreign Minister Joseph Beck is of Jewish origin,” his 

father being “a converted Jew from Galicia.” (Jewish Daily Post, 
28th July, 1935.) 


It might be suggested that we had heavy financial 
commitments and interests in Poland, and that the wicked 
capitalist was responsible for sending us to war to save 
his Polish bacon. But the capitalist knew just as well as 
the politicans that his capital in Poland could not be saved 
by any effort that Britain or France could make, but 
would on the outbreak of war run the risk of destruction 
with the certainty of confiscation by the enemy of any part 
of it escaping destruction. 

Then, again, was this British capital in Poland im- 
portant enough to preserve at the cost of war with Ger- 
many, even if it could have been saved thereby? A Jew, 
L. Wellisez, in his book FOREIGN CAPITAL IN POLAND 
gives figures showing that as late as 1937 less than 6 per 
cent of foreign capital invested in Poland was “British,” 
27 per cent was “French,” and 19 per cent was ‘‘United 
States.” You are left to guess what proportion of this 
“British,” “French” and “United States” capital was in 
fact Jewish. We know that the Prudential Assurance 
Company (whose Jewish connections are so powerful that 
it loaned half a million pounds to the Jewish town of Tel 
Aviv in Palestine in 1986—a very shaky security) owned 
the Warsaw Prudential Assurance Company, which in 
turn, had big industrial interlockings in Poland. But 
even from a soulless international capitalist’s standpoint, 
between Germany and Poland, it was not for Poland that 
worth a war to preserve. 

Although the war started as a result of the quarrel 
between Germany and Poland, it was not for Poland that 
Britain went to war. I have shown that Chamberlain’s 
pledge and the agreement made later between Britain and 
Poland are inexplicable unless a non-British factor was 
the ruling influence. That non-British factor could only 
be the Jewish Money Power acting, this time, not in the 
interests of Jewish money alone but to make sure that 
Britain should throw her strength into a fight for the sur- 
vival of the Jews. 

Poland was a country in which Britain herself was 


not greatly interested. It was, however, a direct Jewish 
interest, just as Czechoslovakia was. Even the “Times” 
(London) admitted on the 4th April 1939 that: 

“Jews are the chief owners of urban real estate in 

Handbook No. 48, POLAND, published under the di- 
rection of the Historical Section of the Foreign Office, 

“Society in Poland is badly balanced. In the coun- 
try, all the power lay in the hands of the nobles; in the 
towns, in the hands of the Jews.” 

On the next page it says: 

“Jewish control of trade and commerce so preju- 
diced these pursuits in the eyes of the Polish upper 
classes that they became practically a Jewish monopoly.” 

Poland was a sort of last refuge of the Jews and it 
was crowded with them. At the end of 1938, eleven big 
Jewish capitalists alone “worth” altogether 660 million 
zlothy or nearly 17 million pounds sterling at the pre- 
war rate were operating in Poland. The Jewish Dr. 
Litauer wrote in QUERY in 1938 (quoted in Jewish Chron- 
icle—London—March 24, 1944) that Jews constituted 
62 per cent of those engaged in trade and commerce, and 
that only 23'% per cent were workmen; whereas, even with- 
out taking agriculture into consideration (a purely Gen- 
tile industry—A. L.) 53 per cent of the Gentiles in Poland 
were workmen and only 17 per cent were employers. 

The above analysis of the situation shows that Po- 
land was a Jewish interest rather than a British one. But 
I will go further and assert that not only was Poland not 
a British interest, but that Britain and the British Gov- 
ernment do not care a straw about Poland. They have 
proved it both by their actions and by their inaction dur- 
ing the war itself. 

When Germany was quickly over-running Poland in 
1939 Russia stepped in, in the most literal sense of the 


term and occupied by force the Eastern half of that 
country. It was a pure act of aggression and caused the 
complete collapse of Polish resistance against Germany. 

What was the reaction in Britain? 
No one seemed to care very much. 

German aggression was one thing—but Russian ag- 
gression was quite another. 

Lloyd George, writing to the Polish Ambassador over 
here (London) said he was delighted that our Govern- 
ment has shown no indication of placing the Russian ad- 
vance into Poland in the same category as that of the 

It is, of course, easy to point out that to declare war 
on Russia because of her invasion of Poland would have 
been suicidal for the Allies. But can it be said to be any 
more suicidal than it was to declare war on Germany for 
doing the same thing? The alternative to declaring war 
on Russia for her aggression was to admit that nothing we 
could do would save Poland, and to make peace with Ger- 
many and withdraw from the war. But that would not 
have suited the Jews, so we continued the fight—which 
shows that it was not Poland we were worrying about. 

Well, Russia was driven out of Poland by the Ger- 
mans and after many days came back in 1943 and 1944. 
The old frontiers of Poland were again invaded by Russia. 
On the 18th October 1943, the “Times” (London) in a 
leading article stated: 

“Russia claims no extension of the frontiers held 
by her when Hitler unleashed his invading hordes in 
June, 1941; and after all that she has endured and 
achieved in the last two years, any proposal to curtail 
them would be clearly resented as ill-conceived and 

No! There was nothing to be said for poor, weak 
Poland! It was a case of Russia’s “liberating armies.” It 
seems that the independence of Poland that we were sup- 


posed to have gone to war about really meant, at most, 
the independence of its Western half! 

Stalin remained embarrassingly silent about his in- 
tentions. The spokesmen for His Majesty’s Government 
pretended that they hadn’t noticed anything. So much 
so, that it was possible for the Jewish Sir Percy Harris 
to say in the House of Commons (London Times, Novem- 
ber 12, 1942) that he 

“|. . was satisfied that Mr. Eden would see that 
the Polish people were not overlooked in the redrawing 
of the map of Europe.” 

Surely this remark, after more than four years of 
frightful war “for the independence of Poland” deserves 
to be considered as a priceless pointer to the truth. 

The Soviet’s Jewish Amdassador to Mexico, Ouman- 
sky, was the first actually to drop a brick for his Govern- 
ment. He intimated in an address (according to the Lon- 
don Times, 12th Nov. 1943) that 

“Russia regards as hers the Polish territory occu- 
pied in the summer of 1939.” 

Bagged! The Soviet Government confirmed this view 
in 1944, 

A sham Government without mandate or country 
to rule over, was established for Poland in England. Gen- 
era] Sikorski, its Premier, was provided with officers for 
his puppet Government by none other than Lord Na- 
thaniel Rothschild, the friendship between the two, Gen- 
tile and Jew, being of long standing (Evening News, 18th 
Sept. 1942). Ah! These Rothschild chums! 

Meanwhile in the real Poland which Russia had in- 
vaded, Polish Mayors and Town Councils had in many 
places been displaced by Jews, and here and there by 
Ukrainians. (London Times, 2nd Oct. 1939). 

In 1943, the Germans stated that they had discovered 
a pit at Katin, near Smolensk, filled with the bodies of 
thousands of Polish officers who had been murdered, 


they said, by the Russians. They had all been shot in 
the back of the head. The Polish puppet Government in 
London asked the International Red Cross to investigate 
the matter. The Soviet Government would not allow it 
and cancelled diplomatic relations. 

Now, if Britain was so anxious in 1939 that the in- 
dependence of Poland should be preserved at any price, 
is it not certain that the fate of many thousands of men 
of the best blood of Poland should be a matter of serious 
concern to her? 

But, no! 

Every method of damping down publicity for the 
frightful outrage was resorted to. The Germans were 
held accountable. Had the British Government really 
thought that this horrible record in mass-murder had 
been achieved by the Nazis, would it not have given the 
matter the utmost publicity? Neither the Polish nor the 
British authorities believed the story that these officers 
had been massacred by the Germans. 

It leaked out that some ten thousand or more Polish 
officers captured by the Russians after the fighting of 
September, 1939, had been put into camps. Since early 
1940 the Polish Red Cross had no news of them. The 
Russians say they were liberated but it is fairly certain 
they were liquidated. 

The Soviets made their own investigation They 
blamed the Nazis for the murders. No one believed that. 
The British Government cared as little as though these 
finest of Poland’s manhood had been stray cats. The sit- 
uation was shamelessly summed up in the Daily Sketch 
with these words: 

“It is recognized in diplomatic quarters that refusal 
to accept the testimonies of the Soviet Commission 
would finally close the door to Russo-Polish rapproch- 
ment.” (27th January 1944.) 

The British Government never insisted on an inde- 


pendent inquiry. The press was kept silent on the sub- 
ject for a while and then democracy forgot all about it.* 

The sham-Polish Government had a lot of trouble 
about anti-Semitism in its army. This kept cropping up 
in incidents. Now that was something that the British 
Government could not overlook. It was not a matter of 
Polish officers being murdered. It was one of Jews being 
annoyed. That makes a difference. So the British Gov- 
ernment prevented the Polish News (London Polish Week- 
ly—Ed.) from continuing publication by withdrawing its 
paper supply. When the anti-semitism caused Jewish 
soldiers to desert, the sham Polish Government in London 
was informed officially of “the great importance which 
His Majesty’s Government attached to the Polish Govern- 
ment’s continuing and intensifying their efforts to eradi- 
cate any manifestations of anti-semitism in the Polish 
forces stationed in this country.” 

I have said enough to demonstrate that it never was 
Poles that the British Government was concerned about, 
but Jews. Murder ten thousand or more Polish officers 
and you can get away with it. Oppose the Jewish domi- 
nation of your nation’s affairs, or their participation in 
them, and if you are a Pole, the British Government will 
exert “pressure” on you. If you are a Briton, you will be 
put into Prison for years without charge or trial and the 
Courts will be used against you if you try, through them, 
to regain your liberty. Yes, even up to and including 
that ultimate Court of Appeal—the House of Lords itself. 

So we did not go to war for Poland or the Poles. 
Mr. R. J. Davis, M. P., said in the House on 24th May 
1944, that it is doubtful whether the British Government 
would have a word to say about the kind of Poland that 

“An article in the New Leader (U. S. A.) 14th October, 1943, 
page 5, by Alexander Kerensky, known among White Russian exiles 
as a half-Jew, Premier of the Provisional Government in Russia 
before the Bolshevik Revolution, reveals that General Sikorski knew 
for at least two years before the German discovery of the Katin 
pit of dead that these officers had disappeared but the General re- 
mained silent because of the effect that the mystery would have had 
on his Polish Army. 


would emerge after the conflict as “Stalin would deter- 
mine that!” (He did—Ed.) 

Russia will tolerate no border state that is not Bol- 
shevised. The word “liberated”? as applied to Poland is 
an odious and overworked hypocrisy. Churchill an- 
nounced his submission to Stalin in these words: 

“Territorial changes on the frontier of Poland there 
will have to be. Russia has a right to our support in 
this matter, because it is the Russian armies which alone 
can deliver Poland from German talons; and after all 
the Russian people have suffered at the hands of Ger- 
many, they are entitled to safe frontiers and to have 
a friendly neighbour on their Western flanks.” (House 
of Commons, September 1944.) 

Russia set up another Polish Government in Lublin 
and this Bolshevik Government was set up in Warsaw in 
1945 without the consent of Britain. No protest was made 
by Britain. Thus the ostensible cause of our going to war 
is proved to be a sham. We were sent to war on false 
pretenses. That such a thing is possible illustrates the 
truth of my contention that Democracy is Death—in this 
case the death of Britannia that Ruled the Waves. 

Chapter II 

—Lord Halifax 

Everyone is agreed that under Civilization there can- 
not be complete freedom. That is only obtainable under 
anarchy, with consequences few people would care to 
suffer. Therefore we may take it that Lord Halifax and 

others who say we are fighting for Freedom, mean Rea- 
sonable Freedom under civilized conditions. Freedom is 
divisible into (1) National Freedom, which is the sub- 
ject dealt with in Chapter V, and (2) Persona] Freedom, 
dealt with here. 

Perhaps I have as good a right as any man to nail 
the lie that we fought this war in defense of Persona] Free- 
dom, since, for being actively anti-Jewish and for main- 
taining, like Mr. Richard Stokes, M. P., that it was bet- 
ter for everyone that the war would be brought to an 
early close by a negotiated peace rather than that it 
should be allowed to drag on, I was incarcerated in Brix- 
ton Prison three and one-quarter years (with a short in- 
terval of a few weeks in a dirty Concentration Camp) 
without being charged or tried for any offence, imaginary 
or otherwise. I was jailed so that I might not divulge to 
others the results of careful investigation into the men- 
ace of the Jew. But more of this anon. 

For the last ten years the economic policy of the 
Government of this country has been mapped out for 
them by an organization called Political and Economic 
Planning, or P. E. P., for short. It was my paper THE 
FASCIST which first (July, 1983) gave publicity to the 
existence of this Jewish racket. Until then its existence 



was a carefully preserved secret. Israel Moses Sieff* and 
the first Lord Melchett, two wealthy Jews, were promi- 
nent in P. E. P.’s activities. A number of Gentile politi- 
cians were soon roped in. P. E. P. is identical with the 
New Deal of the U. S. A. 

Representative Louis T. McFadden, speaking in the 
House of Representatives (U. S. A.), 3rd May 1934, 
quoted Lord Melchett as saying, when asked by his fel- 
low members of P. E. P. to show more activity in the or- 

“Let us go slowly for a while until we see how our 
Plan carries out in America.” 

The natural question is, “Whose plan?” The promi- 
nence of Jewish influence in the New Deal and in its 
English counterpart, P. E. P., leads inescapably to the 

The Jewish Plan of International Economic Control 
The policy of P. E. P. is nothing less than the Sovieti- 
zation of this country (Britain; of course. The reader 
knows of the New Deal parallel in America) by stealth. 
Its whole trend is toward the dictatorship of Trusts and 
Combines; towards regimentation and standardization; 
and towards the elimnation of the smal] trader and dis- 
tributor. Those who have suffered from P. E. P.’s activi- 
ties recognize it as a Planning Against Freedom. 

P. E. P. has brought into being a number of Market- 

“Mr. Sieff’s influence is felt in the United States also. The New 
York Times reports on June 17, 1943: Washington, June 16—A House 
Interstate and Foreign Commerce sub-committee suggested today 
that Israel Moses Sieff, British chain store executive and vice chair- 
man of the Political and Economic Planning Organization, might be 
impregnating the OPA with anti-American economic theories in his 
$10 a day position as an OPA consultant. Mr. Sieff, hired in March, 
1942, by former Administrator Leon Henderson, denied any such in- 
fluence on OPA policies and regulations. Rep. Lyle H. Boren read 
from the Congressional Record of June 8, 1934, statements issued 
by the P. E. P., of which Mr. Sieff is vice chairman, former chair- 
man and a financial contributor, maintaining that “readjustment 
of the United States to modern conditions will only be possible 
after transforming the Constitution” and that “even the question of 
keeping or scrapping the Constitution is subsidiary to the main 
issue: What type of society America is to adopt.” 


ing Boards, the Electricity Grid, Import Duties Advisory 
Committee, the London Passenger Transport Board, Town 
and Country Planning Board, Committee on National 
Housing, International Congress for Scientific Manage- 
ment, Retail Trading Standard’s Association, Federated 
Multiple Shop Proprietor’s Association, and many others. 
None of these organizations is concerned with maintaining 
Personal Freedom, but with curtailing it. 

The Rt. Hon. Walter Elliott was a member of the P. 
E. P. and Minister of Agriculture in 1936. In the words of 
Sir Arnold Wilson, M. P.: 

“Every step he (Elliot) has taken has penalized 
the small farmer and the small retailer who finds him 
his market. He is not planning for employment, or 
for the increase in the number of those who may be- 
come their own masters ... what he has done is to 
increase the market-value of shares in every distribut- 
ing organization handling agriculture produce—the 
great aggregation of capital owned by anonymous share- 
holders, and directed by able and ambitious men who 
seek power for its own sake,” 

Similar policies have been carried out in most de- 
partments of our national economic life. The policy of 
the Government, influenced by the Political Economic 
Planning ideas of centralization, has not been concerned 
with defence of Personal Freedom but with the increase 
of Jewish Control] over economic life. 

The economic policy of the Government, as an- 
nounced in the White Paper of May 1944, indicates that 
restrictions and control are to continue long after the War 
is over. The object is not to promote freedom but to make 
life possible under a continuance of the practice of usury. 

As recently as June 1944 a Bill was being forced 
through the Commons, against strong protests, to enable 
the Minister for Agriculture to ruin a dairy farmer if he 
thought that farmer was likely to transgress the law! 

The spokesmen of the Government are fond of mak- 


ing speeches and writing articles to convey the false idea 
that Democracy (the sort represented by universal suf- 
frage—the counting of heads regardless of contents, if 
any) is synonymous with Freedom. Actually, Democracy 
works out as the Dictatorship of Organized Money Power 
and that is a Dictatorship of the Jew. 

The public was induced to believe that they fought 
for Freedom in this war. Are not the Allies, the British 
Empire, the U. S. A. and France democracies? As though 
modern democracy is any longer associated with Freedom. 
Soviet Russia has done most of the fighting on our side 
and China hangs on to our coat-tails. It is a grim joke 
to pretend that our Soviet ally is a democracy and not 
the dictatorship of a bandit controlled by the Jewish 
Money Power, or that the “common people” are the rulers! 
Neither Russia nor China has the faintest conception of 
Democracy or Freedom as the West understands these 

This Grand Alliance of Dictatorships and Democracies 
begins to take a recognizable shape when all the humbug 
about the association of Freedom with Democracy is cast 
aside. Then it becomes clear that the Allied Powers are 
the Jewish Powers fighting for Jewry, indifferent as to 
whether they themselves are democracies or tyrannies and 
quite unconcerned with the ideal of personal freedom. 

It is not disputed that freedom has to be curtailed in 
war-time. But there is this difference. In our past wars, 
when we were not under full Jewish control as we are 
now, individuals who disagreed with the supposed right- 
eousness of their country’s cause were allowed to say so 
publicly, so long as they did not actually interfere with the 
war itself. History records the following instances among 

Pitt: who wrote and spoke against our cause in the 
American War of Independence. 

Charles James Fox: who did the same in the Napol- 
eonic Wars. 


John Bright: who did the same in the Crimean 

Lloyd George: who did the same in the Boer War. 

Ramsay MacDonald: who did the same in the First 
World War. 

Herbert Morrison: who did the same (I shall quote 
him elsewhere). 

The Government which sent us to war with Germany 
in 1939 adopted a different code. It knew that its cause 
was so rotten that it would not be able to stand public 
criticism, so it employed certain “Defense Regulations,” 
notably that known as “Regulation 18b,” against those 
men and women who knew too much about the real objects 
of our belligerency and were not afraid to say out aloud 
what they knew. These men and women were arrested 
and without charge or trial of any kind, flung into prison 
or camps and left there to rot for months and years. 
(Tyler Kent, the American code clerk, was imprisoned 
for five years under 18b.—Ed.)* It did not matter that 
many of these people had served their country well in the 
last war. Their patriotism and past sacrifices counted for 
nothing. One Member of Parliament (Capt. A. H. M. 
Ramsay——Ed.), who had been shot in the heart during the 
last war but had miraculously recovered, was imprisoned 
for over four years. British National Sentiment had caused 
the erection of War Memorials all over the country to 
men who had died from similar wounds. What mockery! 

But nothing was remembered. We were dispatched 
like sheep into a Second World War! 

The Jewish Money Power, not National Sentiment, 
governed the situation in 1939. 

Freedom? Freedom was sacrificed to save the Jew 
from criticism and exposure as the cause of the war. 

Freedom of speech? No. 

*The Case of Tyler Kent, by John Howland Snow, 


But freedom to say or write except what the Govern- 
ment called anti-semitism. 

I was luckier than many. I had taken steps to avoid 
arrest as soon as I knew the Government’s intentions re- 
garding Freedom for the Jew-wise. When, human na- 
ture being what it is, through carelessness which so often 
betrays the successful fugitive, I was finally cornered and 
taken, enough time had elapsed for the “18b” inmates of 
prisons and camps to have secured passable conditions of 
life, hard as they were, especially in prisons. I did not 
have to endure the horrors of filth and solitary confine- 
ment for months, which others, no less patriotic than 
myself, had to undergo during the earlier part of their 

I will not divert the reader’s attention from the main 
issue by describing the horrors of the Jewish Democratic 
Ogpu in Britain. But I will say this: if any of my read- 
ers have any lingering idea that Democracy means Re- 
sponsibility, then they must admit responsibility for vile 
outrages against patriotic but Jew-wise fellow Britons— 
outrages of which the bestiality and sadism have not yet 
been allowed to become public knowledge. The details 
are well and truly described in IT MIGHT HAVE HAP- 
PENED TO YOU, published by the Stickland Press, 104 
George Street, Glasgow, C. 1 (Price 1/— plus 2d postage) 
—and don’t forget it—it would have happened to you if, 
in the eyes of the Jewish Power, you had seemed hostile 
to it. 

To cloak their object, the Government and its sub- 
servient Press spread widely the idea that the people in- 
terned under Regulation 18b were traitors or “Quislings” 
who preferred to see the Germans conquer Britain be- 
cause they liked Germans better than Britons. The truth 
was that these men and women only wanted the War 
(which they knew to be Jewish) to be brought to a close 
by negotiation and the Jewish menace tackled vigorously 
by the British people themselves. They would no more 
relish the interference of Germany in the matter than 

that of any other foreign country. 

Not only were Magna Carta, Habeas Corpus, and the 
Bill of Rights abandoned in the Jewish cause, but all 
Courts of Justice were used to deny to 18b litigants the 
very justice they were supposed to dispense. In the high- 
est Court of Appeal, the House of Lords, decisions were 
made and judgments given which an honest dissentient 
Judge compared with those heard by Alice in the White 
prevent 18b sufferers from obtaining relief, the House of 
Lords Judges decided that the words “If a man has” could 
be construed to mean “If a man thinks he has’! This 
ridiculous finding registers a low-water mark in the de- 
terioration of “British Justice.” It was only possible be- 
cause of the desire to make “legal” the unconstitutional 
methods by which anti-Jewish patriots could be impris- 
oned for no offense. It is no accident that the case was 
taken to the House of Lords by a Jew. So if you are 
ever charged with a murder, all you have to do to estab- 
lish an alibi is to swear that you think you were in Tim- 
buctoo at the time of the crime, which, according to these 
precious Lords of Appeal, will count as evidence in your 
favour! Two, at least, of the four Lords of Appeal who 
gave the majority verdict have close family Jewish con- 
nections. How many were Freemasons, I do not know, 

Therefore the Government has never concerned with 
any concept of freedom at all and the number of mem- 
bers of Parliament who even took the trouble to raise 
their voices in protest against “18b” was distressingly 
small. In fact, many of them, perfectly aware that fellow- 
countrymen were imprisoned for their political opinions 
without charge or trial, wrote or spoke as though no such 
thing existed as “18b.” For example, Mr. A. V. Alexan- 
der, First Lord of the Admirality, said on 28th March 
1943, “In the British Isles, in the Dominion, in the United 
States, no man need fear for his politics.” At that time, 
18b or some similar regulation, was at work in all the 
countries named by Mr. Alexander, to suppress the one 
truth that the War was Jewish. 


As a result of the War East Central Europe has been 
bolshevized. What this means is described by Kerensky 
in the New Leader, 16th October 1945: “It seems to be 
a general rule that the Communist dictatorship reduces 
to the position of hard labor convicts something between 
one-third and one-sixth of the population of any country 
in which it is installed . . . 200,000 of the ‘class enemy’ 
were deported from Lithuania after the Kremlin’s libera- 
tion of that small country.” King Peter of Jugoslavia said 
on 8th August 1945, “In my country there exists on a full 
scale the dictatorship of the Tito regime. Every trace of 
law has been wiped out from the State organization.” 

It is, therefore, clear that Freedom was not the ideal 
for which the Allies fought this war. 

Chapter III 


Lord Halifax. 

Well, we heard that one before. The last war was 
to be a War to end Wars. 

If we are fighting for peace, why declare war? 

The nonsensical statement which heads this Chapter 
is the typical humbug of the typical ‘democratic states- 
man.” It is without meaning, self-contradictory and mer- 
its no argument. 


Chapter IV 


Lord Halifax 

Coupled with this argument is the idea expressed by 
the words: “We had to stop Hitler!” an idea more widely 
believed in than any other of the false reasons upheld as 
causes of the War. The supposed necessity for action 
to equalize the Balance of Power in Europe is another 
facet of the self-defence theory. 

Hitler and his Germany were getting so strong that 
we could not afford to let him get any stronger—we must 
fight to stop them. That was the argument. Those who 
upheld it as the correct one must show that Britain was 
threatened by Germany’s new strength and by the in- 
crease of that strength which would result from her over- 
powering attack on Poland. 

Talkative “statesmen” have unconsciously knocked 
the bottom out of this argument. Mr. Joseph E. Davies, 
United States Ambassador to the Soviet Union from 1936 
to 1938 and to Belgium in 1939, is one of these. He is 
entitled to be regarded as intelligent because he foresaw 
what so many did not—the potential strength of the Soviet 
Armies. He also realized the military strength of the 
Nazis. But he gave the game completely away in report- 
ing to Acting Secretary of State, the Hon. Sumner Welles, 
in a letter dated 22nd August 1939 in which he wrote: 

“It was perfectly clear that if Europe were to 
have peace, it would have to be a Fascist peace im- 
posed by the dictators unless England and France creat- 
ed a countervailing East-and-West Axis by the inclusion 
of the Soviets, and established a balance of power 
which would keep peace through an equilibrium of 
forces ... The peace of Europe, if maintained, is in im- 



minent danger of being a peace imposed by the dicta- 
tors, under which all the small countries will speedily 
rush to get under the shield of the German aegis...” 

Here Mr. Davies admits, and officially advises his 
Chief, that PEACE WAS POSSIBLE. The conditions of 
that peace was that Continental Europe would be led by 
Hitler’s Germany. It is therefore admitted that what is 
know as the “military menace of the Nazis” need not re- 
sult in war. 

Obviously, therefore, when Britain went to war 
“about Poland,” it was not because she was threatened 
herself, but because the power behind the Government 
wanted at all costs to prevent Hitler’s Germany from lead- 
ing Continental Europe. 

Lord Croft, Joint Parliamentary Secretary to the War 
Office, speaking at the Constitutional Club on 28th Oc- 
tober 1942 said: 

“We can claim that in an imperfect world, our 
faith and actions are less materialistic than in most 
countries, for we alone went into this conflict without 
being attacked; we of the British Empire drew the sword 
for the right of small nations to live.” 

No question here of danger to Britain. Lord Croft re- 
joices in the idea that we went to war “to save others”! 

Sir Walter Elliot (M. P.) announced at the Albert Hall 
at the end of October, 1942, that he “considered that the 
atrocities of the Nazis were, more than any other single 
factor, the cause of Great Britain going to war” (reported 
in London Jewish Chronicle, 6th November 1942). This 
Privy Counsellor gave no impression of our having been 
threatened by Germany. 

We must refer again to Joseph E. Davies for the con- 
crete proof that Britain was not the German objective. He 
disclosed on 20th January 1943 that the Germans in 1940 
offered to retire Hitler if by so doing they could make 
peace with Britain. The condition attached to this offer 


was that Germany should be allowed to maintain its domi- 
nant position in Europe. Mr. Davies made this disclosure 
at a Town Hall meeting in Los Angeles, says the (London) 
Times of 22nd January 1943. 

It is plain that Britain was never threatened. There- 
fore, in assessing the degree of aggression of which the 
various warring States are guilty, the most flagrant is 
surely Britain’s. She could not bear to see another State 
getting stronger! 

And they tell us we went to war to prevent aggres- 
sion! No wonder people called this war “phoney.” 

Chapter V 

“We are defending the rights of all Nations to live 
their own lives” and “fighting against the substitution of 
brute force for Law as the arbiter between Nations.” 

Lord Halifax. 

Our actions and those of our Allies during the War 
indicate that no nation will be allowed to live its own 
life if that life, in the way the nation concerned wants to 
live it, either (1) endangers our vital interests, or (2) ex- 
cites the greed of our American and Soviet Allies. In com- 
posing the above statement of the case as I see it, I have 
given Britain credit for a less aggressive attitude towards 
small nations than the Allies seem to me to have shown. 

Let us examine our own actions. 

As soon as it seemed advisable from the standpoint 
of our own safety, we took over Iceland as a temporary 
measure against the will of the Icelandic people who were 
independent under the Kingship of the King of Denmark. 
The people of Iceland did not want to be dragged into the 
arena of war. Their actions toward the occupying troops, 
both British and American, testified to that. 

It will be said that we went into Iceland to get there 
before the Germans. That makes no difference to the fal- 
sity of the argument that we are fighting to defend the 
right of Iceland to live its own life in its own way. The 
Icelanders did not want us and they showed it in their be- 
havior towards the invaders. 

Senator Chandler of Kentucky, speaking on “a course 
of national action which would have the support of cer- 
tain elements in the United States which have great power” 
(in the opinion of the ‘Times’ correspondent) advocated 
that the U. S. A. should keep the strategic bases “so pain- 
fully acquired” in Iceland and the French-owned New 


Caledonia.’ (London Times, 8th October 1943.) 

On August 25th, 1941, Britain in concert with Soviet 
Russia invaded Iran (Persia) against native resistance 
which collapsed on 9th September. The Shah, as a re- 
sult, was forced to abdicate within a week. In this case, 
not only did we allow Bolshevism to overrun Persia, but 
we forced its ruler off his throne because we didn’t like 
him. We cared nothing for the idea of letting the Per- 
sians live their own lives. It is doubtful now whether they 
will ever again have a chance to live any other life than 
a Bolshevik one. 

The Portuguese press has been very outspoken in sar- 
castic criticism of all this talk about the rights of small 
nations. The small nations, it seemed, were becoming 
more and more docile satellites and victims of the Great 
Powers. The paper ‘Seculo’ said the Atlantic Charter has 
been smothered by Moscow. ‘Vox’ protested against eco- 
nomic restrictions which were forced upon neutrals in 
defiance of their rights to sell their goods as they wished 
(that is: to live their own lives). It criticized the threats 
made in the United States press against Argentina and 
suggested that the New York press assumed the Atlantic 
Charter was obsolete. The only bright spot, it said, is in 
the fact that all this violence against smal] nations is not 
backed up by actual bombardment! 

Mr. Summer Welles, Under-Secretary of State of the 
United States in September 1941, has revealed that Brit- 
ain was then planning to invade and occupy the Canary 
Islands at the risk of war with Spain.’ It is also known 
that President Roosevelt ordered Admiral Stark to pre- 
pare a force to seize the Azores from Portugal, but the 
order was cancelled. 

Mr. Duff Cooper, one our three leading war-mongers, 
was quite unconscious of any desire to allow small na- 
tions to “live their own lives.” Writing in the ‘Daily Mail’ 
of 12th April 1940 he declared: 

“We must not ask questions as to what these small 


powers want, nor listen to explanations of what they are 
prepared to do. Having made plain to them that it is 
their freedom and independence that are at stake, we 
must tell them frankly what we demand, what part each 
of them has got to play in the alliance that is to destroy 
the German menace. If one or the other of them shows 
signs of hesitation, we must act so as to insure that such 
hesitations will be immediately overcome. It is time 
similar measures were taken with regard to Holland and 

Be it remembered that Mr. Duff Cooper was a Privy 
Counsellor! He was not worrying about small nations liv- 
ing their own lives, but coercing them to do what he want- 
ed them to do so that they might emerge Democratic and 
Jewish. And Mr. Duff Cooper has lately been chosen to 
be our Ambassador at Paris! 

The Allies forced Spain in 1944 to curtail her trade in 
wolfram with Germany and to take action hostile to Ger- 
man interests. This was done by starving Spain of petrol. 

Portugal was “induced” to allow the Allies to use 
the Azores as a flying bas by similar measures. 

The Earl of Selbourne, Minister for Economic War- 
fare, in the House of Lords on 3rd May 1944 voiced the dis- 
torted view of his government on neutrality thus: 

“There was a heavy responsibility on all neutral 
Governments who valued independence and liberty to 
see that no act of theirs should assist those evil forces 
whose triumph would obliterate liberty from the world.” 

This dictim, of course, assumes that all neutrals think 
the same about Germany (and Russia!) as Lord Selborne 
does. But it happens that Spain, Portugal, and Argentina 
took an opposite view to that of Lord Selbourne. They 
prefer Germany to the Jewish Money Power. When one 
recalls how Persia was treated by the Allies, Lord Sel- 
bourne’s speech seems disgusting enough. 

Eire has had her experiences too. Treated with ex- 
traordinary and suicidal leniency long before the war 


when the game was to weaken Britain by depriving her 
of the Naval Bases on the West Coast, she must have been 
surprised to receive a demand from the United States to 
get rid of the representatives of Germany whom Ireland, 
as a neutral, allowed to function in Dublin. Surely this 
demand was an interference of considerable magnitude 
with Hire’s “living her own life,” seeing that it would, 
had she not rebuffed the proposal, have converted her from 
a neutral into an enemy of Germany. 

The United States, by a formal statement of President 
Roosevelt,* had also condemned the suppression of Jew- 
ish newspapers in the Argentine. This is another example 
of bullying pressure upon a neutral state. 

And what of our ally, Soviet Russia? 

When her interests were at stake, she invaded Po- 
land and kept its Eastern half as long as she could until 
the Germans pushed her out of it. Then, when Russia in 
her turn pushed the Germans back into Poland, she al- 
lowed her spokesmen to announce that she regarded the 
territory she took in September, 1939, as her own! On 
the 8rd of August, 1939, Russia ‘incorporated Lithuania 
into the Soviet Union. Two days later, Latvia and on the 
next day Esthonia. All this before we adopted her as our 
“glorious ally.” Thus, we knew perfectly well that this 
ally was quite indifferent to the supposed right of weak na- 
tions “to live their own lives.” The three states were al- 
lowed to disappear with hardly a murmur. 

When Russia reoccupied Lithuania, Latvia and Es- 
thonia later in the war, her allies, who are supposed to 
have gone to war to preserve the independence and lib- 
erties of small nations, maintained an ominous silence. 

*The Washington, D. C., Star published (February 29th, 1936) a 
genealogy of President Roosevelt's family prepared by the Carnegie 
Institute of Washington, D. C. The Jewish descent of the first Roose- 
velts who emigrated from Holland to America is indicated. 

“Roosevelt had a tinge of Jewish blood in him, for the first Roose- 
velt who came to New Amsterdam in 1649 married a Miss Jeanette 
Samuel.” (Rabbi Louis G. Reynolds writing in the California Jew- 
ish Voice, April 20, 1945.) 


They affected complete indifference about the fate which 
befell them! 

On 30th November 1939 Soviet Russia had attacked 
Finland. In 1941 the Soviets became our Ally, but not 
for the purpose of “defending the rights of small nations 
to live their own lives.” 

Can anyone, except an Archbishop, really believe that 
there has been a sudden change of heart in Russia which 
will lead her to tolerate the independent existence of her 
weak neighbors? If anyone does, let him read what the 
owner of that grand old Russian name Yerusalemnsky 
wrote in the ‘Red Star’ early in 1944. Professor Yerusalem- 
sky, referring to a proposal which had been voiced that the 
smaller Powers should confer together to protect their own 
interests, stated: 

“How can one imagine Czechoslovakia, the victim 
of Hungary, and Yugoslavia, the victim of Bulgaria, 
meeting for such a purpose? Only the great demo- 
cratic powers, war has shown, can form a stronghold 
against aggression; and only they can make peace 

Unquestionably this Jewish professor speaks for the 
Jewish influenced Soviet regime. 

A speech of Molotov at the Sixth Session of the U. S. 
S. R. Supreme Soviet on 29th March 1940, when he was 
Chairman of the Council of Peoples’ Commissars for For- 
eign Affairs, shows conclusively that this responsible offi- 
cial did not believe in the British talk about the “rights of 
small nations.” He declared: 

“Germany had become a dangerous competitor for 
the principal Imperialistic Powers of Europe, Great Brit- 
ain and France. They therefore declared war on Ger- 
many under the pretext of fulfilling their obligations 
to Poland. It is now clearer than ever how far the real 
aims of the Governments of these Powers are from the 
purpose of defending disintegrated Poland or Czecho- 
slovakia. This is shown if only by the fact that the Gov- 


ernments of Great Britain and France have proclaimed 
that their aim in this War is to smash and dismember 
Germany, although this is still being concealed from the 
mass of the people under cover of slogans of defending 
‘democratic’ countries and the ‘rights of small nations.’ ” 
(Moscow News, 1st April 1940) 

It is known further that the Peace Treaties to be 
forced upon the vanquished enemies are to contain a clause 
preventing discrimination and restrictions on racial 
grounds, thus, interfering with any possibility of these na- 
tions “living their own lives” (subsequently confirmed. 

Meanwhile, the United States will continue to live its 

own life and discriminate, and rightly, against the Negro 
in its midst. 

Lastly, the San Francisco Conference decided that 
Might is Right after all—the Big Powers would speak the 
final word in international disputes. 

So much for the idea of “substituting law for brute 

What the San Francisco Conference did was to legal- 
ize brute-force. 

Chapter VI 

“We are fighting against the violation of the Sanctity 
of Treaties and disregard of the Pledged Word.” 
Lord Halifax 

This “cause of the war” is no cause at all. 

It assumes that Germany is the only country whose 
rulers break Treaties. It leaves out of account the many 
changes of circumstances in international politics which 
make it impossible always to act according to Treaty when 
the conditions under which the Treaty was made have 
completely changed. 

In no case affecting the collapse of Treaties involv- 
ing Germany and Great Britain were Britain’s interests 
vitally affected. 

Britain was never elected as the International Police- 
man of the World. But Britain was drafted as a Special 
Constable by the Jewish Money Power to “stop Hitler.” 

It must be remembered that Germany has always 
held that the Versailles Treaty had been broken by Allied 
Powers. Germany was disarmed in order to establish a 
basis for general disarmament. But no parallel degree 
of disarmament was adopted by the other Powers who 
signed the Treaty. On this Hitler based much of his for- 
eign policy. Germany, defenceless and ringed by power- 
fully armed neighbors. What Government could remain 
inactive in the face of such a provocative situation and jus- 
tify itself before its people? 

Britain has a better record than any other country in 
the world for sticking to her treaties’ terms; but the fact 
that she willingly allied herself with Russia proves that it 
was not Breaking of Treaties that she regarded as justi- 
fying war. Was not Soviet Russia expelled from the 
League of Nations for breaking her obligations under the 



Covenant by a treacherous and unprovoked attack on Fin- 
land in 1989? Does not the London Times Review of the 
Year 1940 declare that Russia tried to subdue Finland 
“with savage disregard for the rules of war”? 

As for the Pledged Word apart from Treaties, the less 
the Allies preach of this, the better. In 1915, Sir Henry 
MacMahon, the High Commissioner for Egypt (who was a 
33rd degree Mason of the International Scottish Rite), 
promised in the name of Britain that in return for Arab 
assistance to the Allies, Great Britain would recognize and 
support the independence of the Arabs in territories which 
included Palestine. Two years later, our politicians traded 
away Palestine to the Jews as the only possible means of 
getting the United States into the First World War against 
Germany. (See p. 77.) It would be hard to find a worse 
case of treachery and breaking of the Pledge Word than 
this. No doubt because it was perpetrated for the sake of 
Jewry, it goes comparatively unnoticed. But the “treach- 
ery and aggression” of Hitler—that is headlined by the 
subservient press the world over. 

Before leaving Munich on his peace mission in Sep- 
tember, 1938, Neville Chamberlain signed with Hitler a 
declaration pledging their two countries to seek peaceful 
means of settlement of any future difference arising be- 
tween them. Within a year, however, the British Gov- 
ernment made its agreement with Poland whereby they 
handed over to that country the initiative for making war 
between Britain and Germany. 

Our Declaration of War against Germany was not 
made in righteous indignation against “treachery” or “‘vio- 
lation of the Sanctity of Treaties and disregard of the 
Pledged Word.” We went to war with Germany with- 
out clean hands ourselves. Later we accepted as Allies 
the breakers of treaties, glad that they should pull us 
out of the mess into which we had allowed our politicians 
to plunge us. We finished by tearing up our treaty with 
Poland and abandoning her to the Bolsheviks. 

Chapter VII 

“We are fighting today for the preservation of Chris- 
tian Principles.” 

A Leading Article, London Times, 17th February 1940 

So have said many public men of the Allied Nations. 

The lie is obvious enough. China is not Christian and 
does not want to be. Professor Chau, who held the post, 
in Australia, of Director of Information for the Chinese 
Ministry, reminded us of this in 1944. The press reports 
indicate that he made it clear that he distrusted the West 
which, he said, came to the East “with a gun in one hand 
and a Bible in the other.” 

Millions of Mohamedans are involved in the results 
of this war and thousands of them are fighting in it. Some 
Hindus are in it, too. None of the people care a fig for 
“Christian Principles.” 

But again, it is our Ally, Soviet Russia that affords 
us the easiest way of nailing this impudent lie. Not only 
is Soviet Russia non-Christian, but it is so hostile to it 
that a special Government Department has been main- 
tained, staffed for the most part with Jews, for anti-God 
propaganda. In 1980, the Church of England officially 
denounced the persecution of Christians in Russia. The 
Archbishop of Canterbury (Dr. Lang) declared: 

“... it was almost unparalleled in the pitiful his- 
tory of religious persecution” and that “the persecution 
has been accompanied by popular blasphemies and ob- 

Lately, the easy consciences of priests and others 
have been satisfied by another pronouncement of the same 
Archbishop. He conveniently discovered that: 

“, .. The Soviet Government had abandoned some 



of the mistakes of its earlier regime’ and that “criti- 
cisms of the past were now irrelevant in view of the 
issues at stake,” and “there were some features in Rus- 
sian Communism which were compatible with the Chris- 
tian spirit.” (House of Lords, 23rd October 1941.) 

In view of the above it must be recalled that the Lon- 
don Jewish Chronicle announced that (4th April, 1919): 

“|. . there is much in the fact of Bolshevism it- 
self, in the fact that so many Jews are Bolshevists, in the 
fact that the ideals of Bolshevism at many points are 
consonant with the finest ideals of Judaism.” 

It cannot to often be repeated that in Russia there is 
no Communism and there never has been any. They have 
a State of Capitalism run by Jews. Communism is the idea 
by which the ignorant masses are induced to accept Bol- 
shevism. Communism remains an idea but it is never 

The present Archbishp of York (Dr. Garbett) visited 
Russia in 1943—his tour comprised one city only. He 
came back to report what he went out to report. There is 
no need to stress it. He fell into line just as he did in 
the matter of bombing civilians in war. But I doubt if any 
of the clergy believed him. 

Did the Pope do any better? 

According to the Lisbon correspondent of the London 
Times, 22nd April 1943: 

“He is known to have communicated verbally to 
the episcopate throughout the world that while Nazi 
doctrines were wholly inimical to Christianity, that the 
Communist,* evil as it was, could be regarded as in 
some sense a corruption of part of the Christian ethic.” 

Could anything be more pitiful than that? 
Not one of the priests spoke the truth that Bolshe- 
*The Vatican considers the spread of communism in Europe, as 

the consequence of a Russian victory, to be less of a danger than 
nazism.—Camille Cianfarra, N. Y. Times Magazine, Oct. 4, 1942. 


vism is Jewish, hence its “blasphemies and obscenities.” It 
would be interesting to know what influence Freemasonry 
has had in these convenient changes of heart in high reli- 
gious circles. 

The last thing the people who made the war cared 
about was Christianity. But as a weapon in propaganda 
they spread the story that Christainity was being persecut- 
ed in Germany. However, the Bishop of Gloucester visited 
Germany in 1938 and in a half column letter to the London 
Times, 14th July that year, he revealed the untruth of this 
propaganda. He said: 

“German pastors of different schools of thought 
are (as far as he could judge—Ed.) free to carry on their 
work, provided they do not use their pulpits for politi- 
cal purposes. Pastor Neimoller is in confinement be- 
cause he has stubbornly and determinedly defied this 

Many times during the war, Christians have been 
startled to hear of happenings which did not seem to tally 
with Christian conduct of it, making every allowance for 
the excesses which are liable to occur in any war as the 
result of excitement and temporary loss of self-control. One 
instance was the bombing of cities. 

It was the “non-Christian” Hitler who proposed on 
March 31, 1936, that incendiary bombs should be prohibit- 
ed and that no bombs of any kind should be dropped on 
open towns outside the range of medium-heavy artillery. 
But it was the “Christian Powers” who rejected the pro- 

Another was the discovery of a pamphlet on Guerilla 
Warfare published by the members of the Staff of the 
(British) War Office (No. 1. Osterly Park), in which the 
text recommended the questioning of prisoners to induce 
them to give information before killing them. 

Edgar L. Jones, an American, who served for over 
a year with the British Eighth Army in North Africa, and 

*Refer to Appendix II, page 112. 


served as the Atlantic Monthly (Boston, Mass., U. S. A.) 
correspondent in the Far Pacific, writes his impression of 
the war in the February, 1946, number of the Atlantic 

“We Americans have the dangerous tendency in 
our international thinking to take a holier-than-thou atti- 
tude toward other nations. We consider ourselves to 
be more noble and decent than other peoples, and con- 
sequently in a better position to decide what is right and 
wrong in the world. What kind of war do civilians sup- 
pose we fought, anyway? We shot prisoners in cold 
blood, wiped out hospital, strafed lifeboats, killed or 
mistreated enemy civilians, finished off the enemy 
wounded, tossed the dying into a hole with the dead, 
and in the Pacific boiled the flesh off enemy skulls to 
make table ornaments for sweethearts, or carved their 
bones into letter openers. We topped off our satura- 
tion bombing and burning of enemy civilians by drop- 
ping atomic bombs on two nearly defenseless cities, 
thereby setting an all-time record for instantaneous mass 

“As victors we are privileged to try our defeated 
opponents for their crimes against humanity; but we 
should be realistic enough to appreciate that if we were 
on trial for breaking international laws, we should be 
found guilty on a dozen counts. We fought a dishonor- 
able war, because morality had a low prirority in bat- 
tle. ... 

“Not every American soldier, or even one per cent of 
our troops, deliberately committed unwarranted artoci- 
ties and the same might be said for the Germans and 
Japanese. The exigencies of war necessitated many so- 
called crimes, and the bulk of the rest could be blamed 
on the mental distortion which war produced. But we 
publicized every inhuman act of our opponents and cen- 
sored any recognition of our own moral frailty in mo- 
ments of desperation. 

“I have asked fighting men, for instance, why they 


—or actually, why we — regulated flame-throwers in 
such a way that enemy soldiers were set afire, to die 
slowly and painfully, rather than be killed outright with 
a full blast of burning oil. Was it because they hated 
the enemy so thoroughly? The answer was invariably, 
‘No, we don’t hate those poor bastards particularly; we 
just hate the whole goddam mess and have to take it out 
on somebody.’ Possibly for the same reason, we muti- 
lated the bodies of enemy dead, cutting off their ears 
and kicking out their gold teeth for souvenirs, and 
buried them with their testicles in their mouths, but 
such flagrant violations of all moral codes reach into 
still unexplored realms of battle psychology.” (One 
War Is Enough.) 

Edgar Jones is not alone in telling how this war “for 
the preservation of Christian Principles” was fought. 
Frank Coniff, of the New York Journal-American, writes 
in his column, East Side, West Side, of a conversation 
with Holbrook Bradley, another correspondent who “took 
off” in a tank, who 

“told me it was a common custom to solve the 
prisoner problem by the most direct means. 

“The tankers, sheathed in their iron horses, were 
unable to shag PWs back to the rear cages. They had 
to do something with them. So they did. 

“They machine-gunned them to death. And made 
no apology for it. 

“Combat veterans aware of the real situation know 
I am only scraping the surfaces. Rumors were always 
rife of mass liquidations of German PWs, especially by 
our tankers.” (23rd May 1946.) 

Then there is the message of the U. S. A. General 
Mark Clark to the Fifth Army on 12th February 1944 in 
which he said he welcomed the enemy’s assaults: 


... for it gives you additional opportunities to 
kill your hated enemy in large numbers. It is an open 
season in Anzio beachhead and there is no limit to the 

number of Germans you can kill.” 

With what disgust must British and American offi- 
cers and soldiers have received this talk about “the hated 

Dr. Alington, Bishop of Durham, in his book The LAST 
CRUSADE, asks himself: 

“What, for a Christian, are the conditions of a 
righteous war?” and gives the answer, 

“One from which hate is as far as possible ban- 

Of the British press, it was the Sunday papers 
which were the chief hate propagandists. Perhaps my 
readers may recollect the Sunday Chronicle’s article of 12th 
October 1941 by W. J. Brittain: “If Huns Came to Brit- 
ain” or the article in the Sunday Express of 29th August 
1943 headed “This is Your Good, Kind German.” It was 
so full of hate that the author remained anonymous. 

Actually this war has done more harm to Christian- 
ity than anything its virulent enemies could possibly have 
devised against it. People are not going to forget the 
bombings and other horrors (including 18b) and the atti- 
tude of high dignitaries of the Churches towards them. 
Nor will they forget the phosphorous grenades used by the 
U.S. A. troops and the flame-throwers. Presumably Chris- 
tians sanctioned them. 

The following sentences are quoted from the Ameri- 
can Magazine Life: 

“The shower of molten burning particles that 
sprays from a phosphorous shell sears its victims with 
agonizing burns. Used against pill-boxes the flame not 
only burns occupants but also suffocates them.” (19th 
June 1944.) 

Not a word from the Archbishops about that! 

It was not Christianity we fought for, but Judaism 
and Jewish revenge. 

Chapter VIII 

“We are fighting as our fathers fought to uphold the 

doctrine that all men are equal in the sight of God.” 

Franklin D. Roosevelt, 6th January 1942 

These words were spoken by the President of the 
United States in a message to Congress. He continued: 

“.. We must be particularly vigilant against racial 
discrimination in any of its ugly forms.” 

If all men are equal in the sight of God, it would seem 
to be of little use for man here below to fight about it. 
Any decision about it will certainly be settled over his 

But not all men think, as President Roosevelt would 
like them to think, that God regards men so. Anyhow 
with the senses God has provided him, sight, smell, hear- 
ing, touch, and taste, Ordinary Man certainly does not 
believe that all men are equal. President Roosevelt’s fel- 
low-countrymen don’t for they discriminate against the Ne- 
gro in their midst. 

In June, 1944, in Ohio, a strike took place holding up 
12,000 men on aeroplane construction because seven Ne- 
groes had been employed on work usually done by white 
men. The Southern States prohibit intermarriage between 
white and black, and enforce separate travel accommoda- 

We British also, and in my opinion rightly, discrimi- 
nate between ourselves and the coloured population of the 
Empire. In 8. W. Africa, a proclamation, No. 19 of the 
18th July 1934, makes extra-marital sexual intercourse be- 
tween Europeans and Africans punishable with five years 
penal servitude or expulsion from the country. Col. D. 
Reitz, High Commissioner for the Union of South Africa, 



spoke at the London Guildhall on the 18th March 1944 
insisting on the actual inequality of white and black in 
his country. Before the white man came to South Africa, 
he said, it lay uninhabited save for a few wandering Hot- 
tentots and Bushmen. The cities, ports, railways, roads 
and bridges and the civilization of South Africa were the 
White Man’s creation. Every European would agree, he 
said, that to confer complex civil rights upon a people who, 
as yet, were incapable of exercising them, would spell dis- 
aster. (Col. Reitz was too close to his subject to have ob- 
served that disaster has come to England itself from that 
very cause!) 

The Jews themselves don’t believe in Human Equal- 
ity, any more than they believe in Communism. Both are 
ideas which they have successfully used in the degrada- 
tion of the White Man’s civilization. Jews have a number 
of uncomplimentary words expressing the inferiority of the 
Gentiles among whom they live. One such word is Goyim, 
meaning cattle. That this word is in actual use we quote 
from the Jewish Post, 7th December 1945, from the col- 
umn—The Yiddish Press by Rabbi Benjamin Schultz: 

“It’s about time, comments the DAY’S S. Nigor, to 
stop paying the expenses of goyim from Washington, 
because they express sympathy with the Jews. They 
come and read speeches at banquets, these big-shots. 
‘Read’—because we have written the speeches for 
them. But why waste more time and money? Now we 
want action. Words are cheap.” 

There can be no greater absurdity and no greater 
disservice to humanity in general than to insist that all 
men are equal. The idea is particularly favored by peo- 
ple with an inferiority complex. This can be traced to ac- 
tual racial inferiority. It plays a double role; first, in- 
ducing people to tolerate doctrines dangerous to their so- 
ciety; and second, to permit finally their society to be dom- 
inated by these doctrines. 

In a discussion, MARXISM AND JUDAISM by Sal- 


luste, the Jewish origin of the doctrine of equality is set 
forth in detail in a long quotation from ANTI-SEMITISM, 
ITS HISTORY AND CAUSES (Paris, Leon Chailley, 1894), 
by Bernard Lazare, great Israelite scholar of high moral 
probity : 

“. .. The Jews believed not only that Justice, Lib- 
erty and Equality could become sovereign on this earth, 
but they held themselves (as) singled out especially to 
work for such sovereignty. All desires, all the hopes 
that these ideas gave birth to, ended by crystallizing 
around one central idea: that of the times of the Mes- 
siahs, of the coming of the Messiah.” 

The Chosen People idea, a people especially singled 
out by God, gives the Jews a stronger interest than any 
other people in establishing racial tolerance in a Christian 
society while at the same time maintaining their own ra- 
cial exclusiveness. 

Thomas Jefferson in his Declaration of Independence 
wrote, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all 
men are created equal. ...” On such a shaky foundation 
arose the United States of America with Negro slavery 
in full blast in the South. 

Perhaps the subject can best be disposed of by 
quoting at some length the thoughts of a great English 
Divine on the subjects of Race and Inequality. Dr. Arnold 
Ruby wrote as follows on 22nd March 1885 to the Arch- 
bishop of Dublin: 

“With regard to such races as have been found in 
a savage state, if it be admitted that all mankind are 
originally one race, then I should say they must have de- 
generated; but if the physiological question be not set- 
tled yet, and that there is any reason to suppose that 
the New Hollander and the Greek never had one com- 
mon ancestor, then you would have races of mankind 
divided into those improvable by themselves, and those 
improvable by others.’ 

In a letter to W. W. Hull, dated 27th April 1836, 

Dr. Arnold wrote: 

“The Jews are strangers in England and have no 
more claim to legislate for it than a lodger has to share 
with the landlord in the management of his house. If 
we had brought them here by violence, and then kept 
them in an inferior condition, they would have had just 
cause for complaint; though even then I think we might 

. remove them to a land where they might live by 
themselves independent; for England is a land of Eng- 
lishmen, not of Jews.” (Page 402.) 

These wise words, written before the works of Dar- 
win, deserve to be better known. They have been taken 
from Dean Stanley’s LIFE OF ARNOLD. 

James Theophile Meek, noted archeologist, has some- 
thing to say about the origin of the Jews which may account 
for their feeling of inferiority: 

“|. . Wherever used ‘Habiru’ is a term of reproach, 
and just so its equivalent in Hebrew, ibri is, a degrading, 
derogatory appellation, a mark of inferiority, denot- 
ing an alien, a barbarian, a Bedouin, a mock name that 
ridiculed its bearers’’’ (Hebrew Origins, page 9.)* 

Even the London Times of 3rd July 1943 has been 
driven by the absurdity of the position to print: 

“Frankly to recognize this divine law of inequali- 
ties seems specially important in these days.” 

Yes, but a littled belated if, as Roosevelt says, we 
are in a World War to uphold the very opposite! 

In his article Marxism and Judaism, Salluste makes 
a masterful analysis of the cult of equality beginning with 
Moses Mendelssohn, through Leopold Zunz, Heinrich 
Heine to Karl Marx, all adherents of what he has termed 
neo-Messianism. The path leads through Liberalism, So- 
cialism, the negation of the Christian State, to atheistic Bol- 
shevism inspired by Jewish neo-Messianic intellectuals, to 
civil war and, we may add, finally to World War. 

*American Journal of Semitic Languages, XLIX, page 298. 

Chapter IX 


A common catch phrase. 

I ask my readers to look upon this proposition, that 
we are fighting for Democracy, on its own merits apart 
from questions of aggression, etc. 

The Democracy which was established in units of 
the British Empire and in France, Belgium and the U.S. A., 
is the represented by the counting of heads. The major- 
ity is then able to put what are called its “representatives” 
in power. This is supposed to result in a government of 
the People, by the People, and for the People. But it is 
no such thing. The people lose all control over its ‘“‘repre- 
sentatives” as soon as the latter come into office, for then 
they do what they like with the People. They can send 
them to War and Death, they can Ally them with Bolshe- 
viks, they can offer (as Churchill, did, like an hysterical 
old woman) common citizenship with Nations of entirely 
different temperament and outlook on life. They can im- 
prison them for years without charge or trial, as they did 
to me, and might have done to you. If the reader has left 
a vestige of the idea that Democracy means the responsi- 
bility of the people for the acts of the Executive. perhaps 
he will send me a cheque for his share in the responsibility 
for this disgusting outrage. 

No, Democracy is a fraud! 

By means of Democracy, however, the people can, for 
the most part, be taught to believe what they are told. If 
the people reads its newspapers and magazines, listen to 
its wireless (radio), gapes at its cinemas, absorbs the 
speeches of its politicians, believing all the time that these 
are all bonafide and British, when actually they are in- 
fluenced by the alien ideas, largely masonic and Jewish. 
The People constantly exposed to these influences will not 



think like Britons but like Jews, and now, for the most 
part, do. Karl Marx, great Jewish logician and penetrat- 
ing thinker that he was, wrote in what is known as “Requi- 
sitore a la Drumont”: 


. and the practical Jewish spirit has become the 
spirit in practice of the Christian people. The Jews have 
been emancipated in (precise) measure as the Chris- 
tians have become Jews.” (1844.) 

If there is any independent thought left among the 
People there are drugs, particularly Spirits and Tobacco, 
to lull them into bovine complacency and finally the doc- 
trines of freemasonry to keep a more definite hold upon 

This is why these alien influences are so keen to get 
the people to believe that Democracy means Freedom. 
Given the Universal Vote, or something near it, these alien 
influences can control all the machines that manufacture 
what is called “public opinion.” This control depends ulti- 
mately on the use of overwhelming Money Power. Quoting 
Karl Marx from the first part of the paragraph quoted 

“The Jew has been emancipated, not only by mak- 
ing himself master of the financial market and because, 
thanks to him and by him, gold has become a world 

It is not that these influences control Conservatism, 
or that they control Liberalism or “Labour,” nor even that 
they control Communism, but through the effects of Uni- 
versal Suffrage, they can get control over the whole lot. 
They then mold the frame-work of all these political parties 
to accomplish their objects. 

Rabbi I. I. Mattuck understands this clearly. He 
wrote in the London Chronicle, 14th April 1944: 

“The fate of the Jews is bound up with Democ- 
racy ... There is an irreconcilable conflict between anti- 
semitism and Democracy . .. Anti-semitism must be de- 



stroyed if Democracy is to prevail .. ? 
If this means anything, it means that the system of 
universal suffrage known as Democracy must be made 
secure for the Jew to maintain his present position. But 
the Jews, too, give expression to opinions that they be- 
lieve in the idea of government by an elite, so long as 
they are the elite. In the Sermon of the Week in the Lon- 
don Jewish Chronicle, 1st January 1943, they show that 
they know, as well as anybody else, that, 

“All great movements spring from the few and 
nearly every ideal degenerates with popularity. Every 
new truth, each new representation of an old truth, as 
soon as it becomes the property of the many for whom 
it is intended, loses its inspiring power and becomes a 
commonplace. For the standards of the many must al- 
ways be low ones, and it is rarely the best or noblest 
ideas that can be accepted by the majority.” 

The idea of Democracy does not receive much support 
here. But if Democracy can be used to get others to 
fight your battles for you to maintain your position in 
a body politic, by all means use it to advantage. To the 
great detriment of the countries in which he lives, this, 
the Jew has managed to do. 

It is worthwhile here to quote some thoughts on De- 
mocracy by famous men: 

Lord Macauley’s letter, dated May 23, 1857, to the 
Hon. H. S. Randall, New York City, expresses his ideas 
about the future of the United States under the demo- 
cratic system: 

“I am certain that I never in Parliament, in con- 
versation, or even on the hustings—a place where it is 
the fashion to court the populace ... uttered a word 
indicating the opinion that the supreme authority in 
the state ought to be instructed to (by) the majority 
of citizens told by the head; in other words, by the 
poorest and most ignorant of society. I have long been 
convinced that institutions purely democratic must 
sooner or later, destroy liberty or civilization, or both.” 


(After a considerable discourse on how a hungry and 
propertyless people will succeed in plundering the 
United States by legislative means,* he continues)... 
“There will be, I fear spoliation . . . when society has 
entered on this downward progress, either civilization 
or liberty perish. Either some Caesar or Napoleon will 
seize the reins of Government with a strong hand or 
vour Republic will be fearfully plundered and laid 
waste by barbarians in the twentieth century as the 
Roman Empire was in the fifth; with this difference: 
that the Huns and Vandals who ravaged the Roman 
Empire came from without and your Huns and Vandals 
will have been engendered within your country by your 
own institutions.’’t 

J. S. Mill—“It is not useful, but hurtful, that the 
constitution of this country should declare ignorance 
to be entitled to as much political power as knowledge.” 

Goethe—“There is nothing more odious than a ma- 
jority. It consists of a few powerful leaders, a cer- 
tain number of accommodating scoundrels and subver- 
vient weaklings, and a mass of men who trudge after 
them without in the least knowing their own minds.” 
(What an apt description of the present state of the 
British Government.—A. L.) 

Clemenceau—"Majority Government means gov- 
ernment by inferior minds, and the slow rate of progres 
is determined by the necessity to convince inferior 

Thomas Carlyle—‘“Historically - speaking, I be- 
lieve there was no nation that could ever subsist on De- 

My readers may reflect that following the adoption 
of universal suffrage in 1928 it only took eleven years 
for Britain to be jockeyed into a war which resulted in 
the United States becoming the greatest naval power in 

*See MARXISM AND JUDAISM, by Salluste. 
tSee THE REVOLUTION WAS, by Garet Garrett. 

the world. 

Democracy was the means of rotting France before 
the War. 

Now let us look at our Allies. Is Russia a Democ- 
racy? Is China a Democracy? With a contempt for 
their audience that is scarcely without parallel, with cold 
disregard for fact, and with shameless bare-faced effron- 
tery, our “statemen” and journalists have been speaking 
and writing of the Allied Nations as “the democracies” 
for the last three years. They are not uninformed. They 
know that they are perverting the facts when they call 
Russia and China “democracies.” Why do they lie? This 
I will show in the proper place. 

How is it that Churchill did not himself protest 
against this distortion of the facts by his followers, in 
view of his own opinions on the nature of the Soviets? 
In his broadcast on 20th January 1940 he had spoken 
up for Finland (or for his friends’ Nicke] Mines there?) 
in these words: 

“Many illusions about Soviet Russia have been dis- 
pelled in these weeks of fierce fighting in the Arctic 
Circle. Everyone can see how Communism rots the soul 
of a nation; how it makes it abject and hungry in peace 
and proves it base and abominable in War... If the 
light of freedom which burns so brightly in the frozen 
North should finally be quenched, it might well herald 
a return to the Dark Ages when every vestige of hu- 
man progress during 2,000 years would be engulfed.” 

Churchill wrote of Soviet Russia in his book, GREAT 

“In Russia, we have a vast, dumb people dwelling 
under the discipline of a conscripted army in war time; 
a people suffering in years of peace the rigours and 
privations of the worst campaigns; a people ruled by 
terror, fanaticisms and the Secret Police. Here we have 
a State whose subjects are so happy that they have to be 
forbidden to quit its bounds under the direst penal- 


ties; whose diplomatists and agents sent on foreign mis- 
sions have often to leave their wives and children at 
home as hostages to ensure their eventual return. Here 
we have a system whose social achievements crowd 
five or six people in a single room; whose wages hardly 
compare in purchasing power with the British dole; 
whose life is unsafe, where liberty is unknown; where 
grace and culture are dying; and where armaments and 
preparations for war are rife. Here is a land where God 
is blasphemed, and man, plunged in this world’s misery, 
is denied the hope of mercy on both sides of the grave 
—his soul, in the striking protesting phrase of Robe- 
spierre—‘no more than a genial breeze dying away in 
the mouth of the tomb.’ Here we have a power ac- 
tively and ceaselessly engaged in trying to overturn 
existing civilizations by stealth and propaganda, and 
when it dares, by bloody force. Here we have a state, 
three millions of whose subjects are languishing in for- 
eign exile, whose intellingencia have been methodically 
destroyed; a State nearly half a million of whose citi- 
zens, reduced to servitude for their political opinions, 
are rotting and freezing through the Arctic night; toil- 
ing to death in the forests, mines and quarries, many for 
no more than indulging in that freedom of thought 
which has gradually raised man above the beast. De- 
cent good-hearted British men and women ought not 
to be so airily detached from realities that they have no 
word of honest indignation for such wantonly, callously 
inflicted pain.” 

Yes! Churchill said all that! Then whence came 
this alliance with Russia? From Churchill? It would 
not seem likely at first sight, would it? But consider this: 
Churchill’s association with the men of international fi- 
nance such as Mr. Bernard Baruch in the United States, 
is a matter of public knowledge through various press 
reportings. Mr. Churchill’s father was a Rothschild inti- 
mate, as is Churchill himself. The Rothschilds opposed 
Bolsevism, despite its Jewish inspiration, because through 
it they lost their Baku Oil field. This led to an opposition 


of interests between them and other Jewish interests, espe- 
cially in the United States, who favored Bolshevism. The 
appearance of Hitler’s National Socialist Government on 
the scene brought about a union of interests for self-preser- 
vation. In view of the known facts, does this not appear 
to explain Churchill’s change of view? 

The world democratic press did not take much no- 
tice that the dismissal of Prime Minister Goga in Ro- 
mania by King Carol was an act of dictatorship. It rather 
applauded the dismissal of the King’s Minister elected by 
popular vote who sought to curb the Jewish influence in 
the affairs of his country. Perhaps Madame Lepescu, the 
King’s Jewish friend, had some influence here. 

Not many years ago Britain made a loan of sixteen 
million pounds to the late Dictator of Turkey, Kame] Ata- 

Salazar, Dictator of Portugal, and one of the wisest 
statesmen in the world today, was Britain’s very good 

Daladier had secured the right to make decree laws 
in France. 

President Roosevelt had sought similar powers in the 
United States. 

None of these people were disturbing to Britain or 
its people. 

But Hitler’s National Socialist Government which 
brought greatly improved social welfare to the people of 
Germany, according to Douglas Reed (see his DISGRACE 
ABOUNDING), well that is something different. His 
Government sought to limit the Jewish influence in the 
affairs of his country (see Arthur Bryant’s UNFINISHED 

Well, we Britons simply can’t stand that, can we? 

Which all goes to show that “We are fighting for 
Democracy” is but a smokescreen to conceal the real rea- 

son for war. 

“A few powerful leaders” with “a number of accom- 
modating scoundrels”! 

The leaders of Britain know perfectly well that it is 
not Democracy that we are fighting for, but for the 
Power which battens upon it. 

Chapter X 


There is a school of though which believes that In- 
ternational Finance with its preponderant Jewish inter- 
est and the Monetary System under which most of the 
world has suffered from mass unemployment was doomed 
to be superseded by Hitler’s credit system based upon a 
goods standard and international barter. This would dis- 
place gold, the tool of the Internationalists. 

I believe this myself. 

But some go so far as to say that the war was brought 
about so that, if Hitler could be defeated, the Gold Stand- 
ard Monetary System, which is fraudulent, could be main- 
tained to the benefit of Wall Street and other large Gold 

I do not believe that. 

It might be worth a war from the point of view of 
Wall Street, but it would not be worth this war. This 
war shows every trace of our having been dragged into 
it blindfolded and uneprapared. Wall Street would not 
have allowed that. Wall Street knows that if the Ger- 
mans won the war, there would be no more Wall Street. 

In my opinion there was more to it than the survival 
of the fraudulent Gold Standard System. The necessities 
of racial survival made it urgent for the Jews to act with- 
out delay. Their considerable influence in Wall Street 
together with other participants in the spoils of the fraud- 
ulent system made it not too difficult to get the “Street” 
to support a war which was represented as inevitable. 

This is not the place to go into the intracacies of 
monetary systems. The kernel of the problem is that 



credit based upon gold is insufficient for the needs of 
modern commerce. A short supply of money and credit 
is best for the usurer or money-lender, since scarcity raises 
the rate of interest borrowers must pay. Power to regu- 
late the amount of money and credit available enables 
the controllers of Gold to dominate world affairs, economi- 
cally and politically. The creation of inextinguishable 
national debts is part of the system of control and with 
control goes domination. This system of economic and 
financial bondage was doomed by the expansion of the 
barter system developed by National Socialist Germany. 
(For a more detailed explanation see the chapter, The 
Peace We Lost in A PEOPLE’S RUNNYMEDE, by Rob- 
ert Scrutton, Andrew Dakers, publisher.) 

Chapter XI 


At last we approach facts. 

Certainly we went to war with the object of de- 
stroying Fascism and Hitlerism. But the people were not 
allowed to know this till it was too late to withdraw, or 
they would not have sanctioned it, had they had an op- 
portunity to do so. It was not Hitler or a Fascist form of 
Government that was objected to but that both opposed 
the Jewish influence in their domestic affairs. 

President Roosevelt, in a letter to the International 
Labour Office Conference in 1944, said: 

“The welfare of the world’s population and their 
liberty are the first and ultimate concern of those dedi- 
cated to root out from this earth every trace of Nazi 
ideas and Nazi methods.” 

The London Times’ leading article of 26th Septem- 
ber 1989, said: 

“We have gone to war with the single-minded de- 
termination to rid Europe of a particular menace whose 
presence is incompatable with the continuance of civil- 
ized life, and it is the simplicity of this claim that re- 
solves what the Duce feels to be inconsistency in our 
discrimination between Hitler and his Russian accom- 
plice. We believe that the Russian action, lawless and 
treacherous as we must declare it to be, is a secondary 
and subordinate consequence of the original crime. 
The Soviet has not been a party to Hitler’s previous out- 
rages and has not shown itself to be in essence an ag- 
gressive power.” 

The Duce was not the only man to see inconsistency 
in the discrimination in favour of the Soviets, despite this 
dead-lame explanation. 



On plenty of other occasions, politicians have assured 
us that we are fighting to destroy Fascism. But they do 
not tell us why they deem it so necessary. There was a 
time when it did not appear to be a necessity to Winston 
Churchill. In his Great Contemporaries he wrote: 

“Those who have met Herr Hitler face to face in 
public business or on social terms have found a highly 
competent, cool, well-informed functionary with an 
agreeable manner, a disarming smile.” 

Again in STEP BY STEP, Churchill wrote of Herr 

“If our country were defeated, I hope we should 
find a champion as indomitable to restore our courage 
and lead us back to our place among the nations.” 

But of Russia, Churchill said in 1920: 

“The Soviet system is barbarism worse than the 
Stone Age.” 

In a broadcast on 20th January 1940 he said: 

“Everyone can see how Communism rots the soul of 
a nation...” 

And later in the year on 1st April, he said: 

“Communism is a deadly mental and moral dis- 

From this it is not understandable why Churchill 
should be leading the British Empire in a war to destroy 
National Socialism with the aid of Bolshevik Russia. 

Of Italian Fascism, Churchill said in a speech on 
11th November 1938: 

“Italy has shown that there is a way of fighting 
the subversive forces and rallying the masses of the 
people, properly led, to value and wish to defend the 
honour and stability of civilized society. Hereafter no 
great nation will be unprovided with an ultimate means 


of protection against the cancerous growth of Bolshe- 

As far back as 1926 the Financial News reported that 
a Committee of British Residents in Florence announced: 

“We wish to state most clearly and emphatically 
that there exists here today nothing that can be justly 
termed either tyranny or suppression of personal free- 
dom as guaranteed by constitutional law in any civilized 
land. We believe that Mussolini enjoys the enthusias- 
tic support and admiration of the Italian people who 
are contented, orderly and prosperous to a degree hith- 
erto unknown in Italy, and probably without parallel 
at the present time among other great European nations 
still suffering from the war.” 

Sympathetic readers will smile when they are re- 
minded that in 1933 the Financial Times brought out a 
special eight-page Supplement under the captain: 

The Renaissance of Italy 

Faseism’s Gift of Order and Progress 

The solution of the mystery is that in those days Fas- 
cism had not yet grappled with Jewish influences domi- 
nating the nation’s affairs. Giuseppe Toeplitz, Polish 
born Jew, had just retired from the management of the 
Banca Commerciale Italiana, which a New York Times 
dispatch from Milan on January 29, 1938 (the date of 
Signor Toeplitz’s death) estimated controlled one-seventh 
of all Italian industries. 

We Fascists have noticed with amusement how our 
own Government is forced by the pressure of necessity 
to adopt many of the policies of Fascism. We may in- 
stance the recognition of Agriculture as basic among the 
industries; the necessity of ensuring that the Land is not 
mis-used by those farming it and the corporative organi- 
zation of certain industries and professions. 

The International Labour Office issued a report in 


April 1944 in which the activities of the German Labour 
Front established by Hitler were recommended to be 
“adapted for future use” after our victory. Facilities for 
workmen’s travel, recreation and other sparetime activi- 
ties, for vocational training and research on labour pro- 
tection; the “Beauty of Work” service—“Kraft durch 
Freude” (Strength through Joy) in the National Socialist 
Labor Program—and the Labour Bank, “one of the chief 
credit institutions ... of the whole of Europe”; “it should 
also be the responsibility of the Labour Commissioners,” 
the Report of I. L. O. further outlines, “to continue all 
administrative services required for the administration of 
labor and social legislation—employment services, social 
insurance and the labour inspectorate.” The J. L. O. 
Philadelphia Labor Charter actually purlions direct from 
Fascism its notions of industrial organizations! “It insists,” 
says the London Times of 13th May 1944, “on the employ- 
ers’ right to combine freely, and declares also that if work- 
ers and employers combine to run industry collectively, 
there must be a third element—the Government—to co- 
operate and see that the rest of the community is not ex- 
ploited.” Similar proposals are found in the 1944 Report 
on Reconstruction issued by the Grand Council of the 
Trade Union Congress. 

It was on these principles that the Fascist Corpora- 
tive Organization of Industry was based! Then why 
should we be so keen to destroy all this? There can be 
but one plausible answer. National Socialism and Fas- 
cism opposed the Jewish influence in the domestic af- 
fairs of their respective countries. That we have ample 
proof that National Socialism and Fascism were good 
governments for the Germans and the Italians of their 
respective countries, apparently, is of no consideration. 
Is it that only Jewish interests matter the world over? 

We may venture to doubt whether better Govern- 
ment for “liberated” Italy than the Fascists one can be 
achieved with the material at hand. Just consider this 
London Times report of the 25th April 1944: 

“As most members of the new Cabinet are Repub- 


licans, a form of procedure was devised whereby Minis- 
ters, before taking oath, signed a declaration stating that 
they had accepted office with the purpose of serving 
the best interests of the country, but without attaching 
any permanent significance to the ceremony.” 

It was from such “accommodating scoundrels” as this 
that Fascism saved Italy for twenty years. At the time of 
this writing, every so-called “liberated” country begins a 
campaign of violence and outrage against its most active 
anti-communist elements. The same conditions are at once 
reproduced from which their Fascist or semi-Fascist Gov- 
ernments of the past had saved them. 

Chapter XII 


It is common knowledge that this country went to 
war without being attacked. If some vita] national in- 
terest had compelled Britain to start a war against Ger- 
many, we should at least have waited until the most fa- 
vorable moment before declaring it. The fact that we were 
hurried into war unprepared and blindfolded is circum- 
stantial evidence that we did not go into it to protect some 
vital interest. Nations which are not under attack do not 
start wars unless they are pretty well convinced that they 
can win them. 

When Churchill became Prime Minister, he said he 
could promise us only “blood and tears.” As he had so 
long been one of the most active politicians in favor of 
“stopping Hitler,” the sense of responsibility he owed to 
the nation should have prevented him from hurrying mat- 
ters on before he had first made reasonably sure that we 
had at least the best chance of victory. We can only con- 
clude that someone forced him on from behind—someone 
to whom this country’s welfare was a matter of no great 

The Foreign Secretary admitted that we had got our- 
selves into a mess without any clear notion of how to get 
out of it, when he said on the 2nd November 1939: 

“Unless we know the duration of the war and its 
intensity, we can form no estimate of what will be the 
state of Europe when victory is won.” 

Mr. Oliver Lyttleton, Minister of Production, said at 
Farmborough on 6th May 1944: 

“It was surely a chastening thought that we were 
now alive as a British Commonwealth and Empire more 
by the mistakes which the enemy made in 1940 than 
by any foresight or preparation which we had made 
before that date.” 



On the same day Lt. Genera] A. E. Nye, Vice Chief 
of the Imperial General Staff, revealed at Coventry that 


. . . those of us who had access to all the infor- 
mation available, who knew the full extent of our un- 
preparedness, were fully aware that it would take at 
least two years from the outbreak of war before we 
could organize, train and equip an army proportion- 
ate to our needs, and we all knew that during those two 
years we were bound to be involved in a series of dis- 

Then we may ask, why was not the Imperial General 
Staff consulted before we committed ourselves to come 
in when Poland called upon us? These three admissions 
by responsible men prove that those who had been work- 
ing so hard to bring us to war to “stop Hitler,” could not, 
when they were doing so, see a year ahead. They were 
blindfolded, or they would not (if they were patriots) 
have acted as they did. Their objects therefore could not 
have been connected in any way with the welfare of the 

Speaking in the House of Commons in 1941, the late 
Col. Wedgewood, M. P., had to admit: 


. . If Russia surrendered, he doubted whether 
our resolution would hold for long, so tempting would 
be Hitler’s offers of peace.” 

Mr. Eden queried: 

“Where would this nation be if Russia were un- 
able to hold the enemy?” 

The answer to that query would be, 

Exactly where he and his fellow-warmongers had 
put it. 

It is not that they did not know that they had no 
chance without Russia. THEY DID KNOW. The dates 
and quotations of the following statements prove it: 

25th May 1939, Mr. Eden: 

“If an effective resistance to aggression is to be 


organized in Eastern Europe, Russia’s whole-hearted co- 
operation is indispensable.” (Birmingham Post.) 

22nd June 1939, Mr. Churchill: 

“Without an alliance with Russia, no effective sta- 
bility can be created or long maintained in Eastern 
Europe.” (Manchester Guardian.) 

8rd April 1939, Mr. Lloyd George: 

“If we are going to help Poland without the help 
of Russia, we are walking into a trap.” (Extract from 
speech in House of Commons.) 

They knew we depended upon the Soviets for possible 
success, and they knew it months before war was de- 
clared by Britain. Not merely did these politicians drag us 
into it without the foggiest idea of how to “hang the 
washing on the Siegfried Line,” but they cannot offer us 
any hope even after the war is won. 

Sir Kingsley Wood warned us, 2nd February 1943: 

“A war of such unprecedented devastating and crip- 
pling a character must mean that not only this coun- 
try but the whole world would be much poorer and dis- 
abled . . . We should live in a fools’ paradise if wish- 
ful thinking led us to believe that this cruel war would 
bring us in its train happier times and better days.” 

Mr. Duff Cooper, 16th March 1948, said: 

“We should do all we could to take away from 
the programmes that are occasionally put before the 
world those tremendous hopes of immediate improve- 
ment. It is not likely that on the morrow of this war, 
things are going to be better than they were before. 
You cannot devote everything to the work of destruc- 
tion and expect to find as a result a much better, finer 
world built up.” 

A “phoney war”? 

In we went, unprepared and without hope of improv- 
ing our position according to the politicians I have just 


quoted. The people themselves were so puzzled as to 
why it had to be that the politicians were obliged to keep 
telling them what the purpose of the war was. And all 
reasons given were different. We discuss ten of the rea- 
sons in the first ten chapters. 

But Hitler gave the true reason for the war in every 
speech he made—International World Jewry. 

The Ministry of Information was as uncertain as to 
what we were committed as any other Department of the 
Government. In December 1939 it published a pamphlet 
called “Assurance of Victory,” in which it actually said: 

“We do not have to defeat the Nazis on land, but 
only to prevent them from defeating us. If we can suc- 
ceed in doing that, we can rely on our strength in other 
directions to bring them to their knees.” 

How absurd in the light of subsequent events! 

That Churchill was just as vague over the silly experi- 
ment and its consequences, we saw when, without any Man- 
date from “Democracy,” he offered defeated France an 
Act of Union in which “France and Great Britain shall no 
longer be two nations but one Franco-British Union”! 

This irresponsible lunacy was turned down by France, 
and is never now referred to in polite circles. It shows 
only two plainly that British interests were secondary to 
something else. 

Then there was Japan. Britain was pledged bv 
Churchill to come in “within the hour” if America and 
Japan went to war. In other words, just as we allowed 
Poland to decide when we were to go to war with Ger- 
many, so we allowed the United States to involve us in 
war with Japan. The run of disasters which followed the 
outbreak, in which we lost Hong-Kong, Singapore, the Ma- 
lay States and Burma, shows that no proper preparations 
had been made for this tough proposition either. If we 
had goine into this war against Japan for British inter- 

ests, we would have managed it differently* 

International World Jewry which thrust us forward 
into the War was desperate and quite unconcerned with 
the future of the British Nation. 

*That the war was forced upon Japan and how is shown in 
OF PEARL HARBOR, by John T. Flynn (Strickland Press, Glasgow). 

Chapter XII 


Throughout the war, Hitler consistently reminded the 
world who his real enemies were: 

October, 1941: “Unfortunately, the nation whose 
friendship I wanted most did not join in. Their respon- 
sibility for that was not with the entire British nation. 
There were a few who, in their stubborn hate and crazi- 
ness had sabotaged every such attempt supported by 
the world enemy—lInternational Jewry ... The plot of 
the Democrats, Jews and Freemasons achieved the 
plunging of Europe into war.” 

November 1941: “England, inspired by Interna- 
tional Jewry and the Soviet Union, also led by Jews.” 

lst January, 1942: “The driving force behind 
them (the Allies) is the Jewish plutocrats, who, for 
thousands of years have always been the same eternal 
enemy of human order and consequently of a real so- 
cial justice ... The Jewish Anglo-Saxon financial con- 
Spiracy does not fight for any kind of democracy.” 

30th January 1942: “Mr. Churchill supported by a 
small clique, has said that I want war. Behind him and 
his clique stand the Jews who pay them.” 

24th February 1942: “This close alliance of Jewish 
capitalism and Communism is not new to us old Na- 
tional Socialists . . . By this war, not Aryan mankind 
but the Jew will be exterminated. Only after the exter- 
mination of the parasites will the world know a long pe- 
riod of collaboration between nations and therefore a 
period of peace.” 

26th April 1942: “The hidden powers which incited 
Britain in the first World War were Jews .. . Bolshe- 
vism is called the dictatorship of the proletariat and is, 


in fact, the dictatorship of the Jews.” 

30th September 1942: “If Jewry started this war 
in order to overcome the Aryan people, then it would 
not be the Aryans, but the Jews, who would be exter- 
minated.” * 

January 1943: “The alliance between the arch- 
capitalistic State of the west with the mendacous so- 
cialistic regime of Bolshevism is only thinkable because 
the leadership in both cases is in the hands of Interna- 
tional Jewry. Roosevelt's largely Jewish Brain Trust, 
the Jewish press of America, the Jewish wireless and the 
Jewish party organization are nothing more than the 
equally Jewish leadership of the Soviet Union.” 

January 1944: “The present struggle will open 
the eyes of all nations about the Jewish problem. The 
other nations will come to regard Germany’s anti-Jewish 
measures as a precedent well worth following, and as 
the natural course to take.” 

Hitler has always understood the Jew and at the 
Nuremburg Congress in 1937 he made a useful summary 
of Jewish methods of penetration and control: 

“The Jews worm their way into every nation and, 
as business people, their first task is to establish and 
consolidate their influence in the economic sphere. 
After centuries of this process, the economic power 
thus gained leads to the adoption of severe counter- 
measures against the invaders by their hosts. This 
natural form of self-defense quickens the Jewish at- 
tempt to remove, by means of a camouflaged and slow 
process of assimilation, not only the main grounds for 
an attack on an alien race but also quickens their ef- 
forts to gain a direct politica] influence on the country 
in which they happen to live. Both of these dangerous 
evils are ignored, partly through economic considera- 
tions, and partly through an inherent bourgeois indif- 
ference. Furthermore, the warning voices of influen- 

*See Appendix. 


tial or intellectual circles are just as deliberately ig- 
nored. History teaches us that this is always the case 
whenever prophetic results have an unpleasant charac- 
ter. Thus, with the aid of the language which they 
have adopted, these Jews are successful in gaining an 
ever increasing influence on political development. De- 
mocracy then establishes the pre-condition for the or- 
ganization of those terroristic elements known to us as 
Social Democracy, the Communist Party or the Bolshe- 
vist International. Whilst Democracy gradually stifles 
the vital forces of resistance, the advance guards of 
Jewish world-revolution are being developed in the radi- 
cal revolutionary movements. 

“The ultimate goal is then the final Bolshevik Rev- 
olution, that is to say, not the establishment of a prole- 
tarian leadership by proletarians, but the subjugation 
of the proletarians by their new alien masters. . 

“In 1936 we proved by means of a whole series of 
astounding statistics that in Russia today more than 98 
per cent of the leading positions are occupied by 

“Who were the leaders in our Bavarian Workers’ 
Republic? Who were the leaders of the Spartacist 
Movement? Who were the real leaders and financiers 
of our Communist Party? Jews, everyone of them. The 
position was the same in Hungary and the Red parts of 

And, might be added, who are the leaders of the 
“British” Labour Party today. Well, the New York Times, 
31st August, 1946, prints this: 

“Lord Rothschild, 35-year-old millionaire scientist, 
told this correspondent that he had joined the Labour 
Party because he had read the books of John Strachey, 
whom the United States twice tried to expel.” 

Interestingly, Jewish writers and scholars confirm 
Hitler’s thesis of the origin and development of revolu- 
tionary movements. Among these Jewish authorities are 


such names as Bernard Lazare, Karl Marx, Henri Bar- 
busse, Theodor Herzl and Benjamin Disraeli. In Conings- 
by, published in 1844, some years before the revolution 
unsettled Europe, Disraeli wroe of 

“|. . that mighty revolution which is at this mo- 
ment preparing in Germany, and which will be, in fact, 
a second and greater Reformation, and of which so lit- 
tle is as yet known in England, is entirely developing 
under the auspices of Jews...” and “... every gen- 
eration they must become more powerful and more dan- 
gerous to the society which is hostile to them.” (Pages 
231-2, Century Edition, N. Y., 1903.) 

It is here that Disraeli has some interesting things to 
say about the Jewish race: 

“No pena] laws, no physical tortures, can affect 
that a superior race should be absorbed by an inferior 
or be destroyed by it. The mixed persecuting races dis- 
appear; the pure persecuted race remains.” (Page 231.) 

Chapter XIV 


Both in Germany and in Britain there were many 
people who did all they could to prevent Britain and Ger- 
many ever going to war again. Hitler was one of these, 
but he insisted that in the making of agreements to se- 
cure peace, Germany should be placed on an equal foot- 
ing with other great Powers. When this was denied Ger- 
many left the League of Nations. 

In his speech of 26th September 1938, he reminded 
listeners that he had, up to that date, made five different 
proposals for the limitation of armaments. All had been 
rejected. In 1935 and again in 1936 he proposed to re- 
duce the horrors of war by prohibiting bombing of any 
kind outside the range of artillery on the fighting fronts 
and by the abolition of tanks and artillery of the heavier 
sorts. Britain stood to gain more from the proposals than 
any other nation, but they were turned down.* 

“The world,” said Hitler on 14th October 1938, 
“which we are not harming in any way, and from which 
we only ask that it will allow us to go about our busi- 
ness in peace, has been submerging us for months un- 
der a flood of untruths and calumnies.” 

Eight days later, he said: 

“Our aim is to make our people happy once more 
by guaranteeing to them their daily bread. The work 
involved is great, and the world should leave us to carry 
it out in peace.” 

But the world, as Disraeli said in his famous expres- 
sion in CONINGSBY, 

**.. . ig governed by very different personages from 
what is imagined by those who are not behind the 

“See Appendix II, page 112. 


And who were the personages Disraeli referred to? 
He tells us through Sidonia—‘“the Sidonias of Arragon 
were Nuevos Christianos” and “No sooner was Sidonia 
established in England than he professed Judaism’’— 
who on his arrival in St. Petersburg, “had .. . an inter- 
view with the Russian Minister of Finance, Count Cancrin; 
I beheld the son of a Lithuanian Jew.” He travelled to 
Spain and had an audience “with the Spanish Minister, 
Senor Mendizabel,” and beheld one like himself, “the son 
of a Neuvo Christiano, a Jew of Arragon.” In Paris he 
“beheld the son of a French Jew” (Soult). In Prussia 
“Count Arnim entered the cabinet, and I beheld a Prus- 
sian Jew.” (Page 232, Century Edition, 1903.) 

“There was no adventurer in Europe with whom he 
(Sidonia) was not familiar. No Minister of State had 
such communication with secret agents and political 
spies as Sidonia. He held relations with all the clever 
outcasts of the world. The catalogue of his acquain- 
tance in the shape of Greeks, Armenians, Moors, secret 
Jews, Tartars, Gipsies, wandering Poles and Carbonari, 
would throw a curious light on those subterranean 
agencies of which the world in general knows so little, 
but which exercise so great an influence on public 
events.” (Page 202.) 

A scanning of the pages of the Press in any Demo- 
cratic country over the five-year period from 1933 to 
1938 will show that Hitler was not to be allowed to re- 
vive his country in peace. 

In 1938, the British Legion offered its services to su- 
pervise the suggested plebescite in Czechoslovakia. Hit- 
ler declared he was willing to invite them over for the pur- 
pose. Could a responsible German Chancellor have gone 
further than that? 

We have already commented that the Germans in 
1940 had offered to retire their Feuhrer if by so doing 
they could make peace with Britain (page 20). This of- 
fer remained concealed from the British people unti] Mr. 
Joseph Davies revealed it in 1943. 


On 10th May 1941, Rudolf Hess, Hitler’s right-hand 
man, risked his life in landing from an aeroplane in Scot- 
land in an attempt to inverview a certain nobleman whom 
he conceived might help him to get the war stopped. “The 
Fuhrer,” he said, “does not want to defeat England and 
wants to stop fighting.” He expressed his horror at the 
idea of prolonging the struggle and gave his word of 
honor that Hitler never entertained any designs against 
the British Empire and did not aspire to world domina- 
tion. But any negotiations between Germany and Eng- 
land, he said, would have to be conducted on this side by 
a Government other than Churchill’s. 

Instead of investigating the possibility of ending the 
carnage by such negotiations, and sending Hess back with 
a reply, our Government, with Old Testament disregard 
of chivalry, treated him as an ordinary prisoner of war 
and later as a criminal. 

In 1939, Lothrop Stoddard, the American authority 
on Race, made a tour through Germany and Central Eu- 
rope. He reported that 

“most Germans think the war is stupidly unneces- 
sary and that the British were sticking their noses into 
what is none of their business.” 

“Just think of it,” they exclaim, “here we are so 
busy making over our country and now we have to lay 
aside most of our fine construction plans to go and 
fight it out with these damned Englishmen!” (Daily 
Mail, 9th January 1940.) 

“We Germans,” Goebbels told him, ‘‘don’t like 
this war. We think it needless and silly.” (Daily Mail, 
13th January 1940.) 

In November 1941, Hitler announced: 

“After the victories against Poland and in the 
West, I again decided—and for the last time—to hold 
out my hand to England and to point out that a continu- 
ation of the war could only be senseless for England, 
and there was nothing to prevent the conclusion of a 


reasonable peace. Indeed there were no differences be- 
tween England and Germany except those artificially 

War, however, had been decreed by international 
Jewish influences and nothing could stop it. These in- 
fluences were able to fasten upon the politicians the 
the catch-cry that no one could possibly trust Hitler or 
have any dealings with him. He was to be regarded as 
a pariah. 

However, Stalin was wonderful. 

That Bolshevism is largely a Jewish creation cannot 
be denied. 

But Hitler was pledged to free Europe from the in- 
fluence of international Jewry. That made a difference. 
We, who knew this, were stowed away in prison so that 
we could not continue to reveal what we knew. 

Chapter XV 


The technique was simple: It was to brand Hitler 
constantly as an aggressor and then try to make out that 
it was necessary to “stop” him. 

Hitler came to power in 1933. 

By that time the policies of Great Britain, France, 
Russia, the United States and many of the lesser Powers 
were influenced by personages similar to those Disraeli 
had written of in 1844 and as pre-Hitler Germany had 
been. As early as April 1933 I prophesied in The Fascist 
that the Jewish Money Power “will do all it can to bring 
Hitler down, and failing all else, will try to drag the West- 
ern Governments into a war with Germany by means of 
its power and penetration of these Governments.” This 
is what ensued, although I never thought the attempt 
would succeed. 

In Chapter XIV I quoted Hitler’s conciliatory peace 
efforts. I will now quote some highly provocative speeches, 
writings and actions of our “responsible statesmen” from 
1933 up to the declaration of war they so ardently desired. 

Sir Austen Chamberlain, as his father before him, a 
spokesman for international interests with Jewish connec- 
tions, described Hitler’s new regime as “Prussian Imperial- 
ism with an added savagery—that no subject not of pure 
Nordic birth was to have equality of rights and citizenship 
in the Nation to which they belong.” (14th April 19338.) 
This was in the House of Commons and the statement was 
as irresponsible as it was inaccurate. 

Soon afterwards, a Captain Sears removed a wreath 
which had been placed on the Centotaph by an emmissary 
of Hitler and threw it in the Thames. 

During this year (1933) many anti-German boycotting 


movements were started by Jews. These were mostly of 
a commercial nature but even when a German team of 
athletes came over to the White City in August, an at- 
tempt was made to boycott them. It is interesting to note 
that when the Author of this book advocated a boycott 
of Jews in 1936, he was proceeded against on charges of 
seditious libel and public mischief. (But he, of course, is 
Nordic and native.) 

David A. Brown, National Chairman, United Jewish 
Campaign in the United States, is reported to have told 
Robert E. Edmondson, an anti-Jewish pamphleteer, “We 
Jews are going to bring a war on Germany.” That was 
1934. Samuel Untermeyer’s Anti-Nazi League was then 
organized into a World Economic Trade Boycott of Ger- 

On the 14th January 1934, the Sunday Referee, Jew- 
ish owned, referring to a visit of Herr Naberberg from 
Germany with the object of establishing relations between 
the Youth Movements of both countries, printed headlines 
“Send those Nazis back to Berlin” and “Unwelcome Visi- 
tors to London.” 

The Sunday Express demanded that the world should 
cut off all relations with Germany, trade, social and diplo- 
matic. General Smuts from Capetown, joined the clamour 
and on April 18th said “The world cannot allow the Jew 
to be down-trodden.” 

With disregard for the sentiments of a friendly coun- 
try the British Government sent the Jewish Treasury Of- 
ficial S. D. Waley to take part in the Anglo-German fi- 
nancial negotiations in Berlin, November 1934. 

In the Jewish Chronicle (London) 22nd February 
1935 an obituary notice of J. E. Marcovitch, Jewish Man- 
aging Director of the most important newspapers in Egypt, 
stated that he had “converted the whole Egyptian Press 
into a real battlefield against Hitlerism.” 

After four years in Berlin as Ambassador for the 
United States, Mr. William Dodd refused to attend the 

Nuremberg celebrations and returned to the States. 

When Hitler took over Austria, it was the Jewish pub- 
lisher Victor Gollancz who “led” the protest in Trafalgar 

It was noted about this time that the people who were 
foremost in re-arming us were the very people who pre- 
viously had disarmed us. The “No More War” policy 
was abandoned as soon as it was realized that the Jewish 
world influence would be seriously curtailed if not ac- 
tually ended if Hitler could not be defeated. 

The Evening Standard in July 1938 published a car- 
toon holding up the German Aryan Religion to ridicule. 

Paul Dreyfus, a French Jew from Mulhausen, where 
the western branch of the Komintern had been estab- 
lished, stated: 

“Before the end of the year, an economic bloc of 
England, Russia, France and the United States will be 
formed to bring the German and Italian economic sys- 
tems to their knees.” (La Vie de Tangier, 15th May 1938, 

Mr. Neville Chamberlain was not guilty of joining in 
the clamour to “stop Hitler.” But said the Evening Stand- 
ard, 5th August 1939: 


‘... he is being hampered by incessant intrigues. 
Mr. Eden is now allied to the Fabian-Zionist faction 
headed by Mr. Israel Moses Sieff with its policy of par- 
lour Bolshevism.” 

Mr. Phillip Sassoon, of the wealthy and powerful Jew- 
ish Sassoon family, and First Commissioner of Works, 

‘... has been allowing Eden and his satellites to 
hold meetings in his room at the House of Commons. 
Eden and Sassoon have been friends for years.” (News 
Review 21st July 1939.) 

The principal anti-Nazi political leaders in Britain 
were Churchill, Eden and Duff Cooper. 


Press lies, alleging all sorts of misconduct by Nazis 
were particularly rife in 1938. One, which, like the rest 
was found to be quite without foundation, was to the ef- 
fect that a titled British lady had been stripped and 
searched on entering Germany at Aachen. 

“Red Tape,” a civil service magazine, printed an ar- 
ticle recommending the deportation of Nazi Germans from 
England because of their anti-semitism. 

The Daily Express of 25th February 1939 declared 
“Anti-semitism is a curse of such a desperate character 
that we must direct all our energies to destroying it.” 

By the middle of 1939 we had a Jewish War Minis- 
ter, Hore-Belisha; the Jewish Nathan was leading the 
recruiting campaign for the Territorial Fores; the Jew- 
ish Lady Reading leading the Women’s Services; and the 
Jewish Humbert Wolfe compiled the National Service 

No wonder that on April Ist, 1939, Herr Hitler’s Wil- 
helmshaven speech warned the world: 

“Only when the Jewish influence that splits the Na- 
tions apart has been eliminated will it be possible to 
bring about international] co-operation based on a last- 
ing understanding.” 

The warning was, of course, ignored. Even the Right 
Bulletin, journal of the Right Book Club, called Hitler “a 
megalo-maniac who, every day he is permitted to continue 
unchallenged and unchecked, constitutes a grave menace 
to the security of this realm and our Empire.” 

A propaganda film, The Confessions of a Nazi Spy, 
was shown in London. It was an insult to Germany. The 
director of the film was the Jewish A. Litvak, the techni- 
cal adviser was Rabbi H. Lissauer, the “historical direc- 
tor” was the Jewish Leon Turrou; and the chief charac- 
ters were played by three Jewish actors, E. G. Robinson, 
whose real name is Goldenberg, Paul Lukas and F. Lederer. 

At the Socialist Conference at Southport held in May 


1939, Mr. Noel Baker confessed that the Socialist Party 
“wrote messages for the secret German Press which cir- 
culates in “Hitler’s country.” 

In the United States before the House of Representa- 
tives Committee on Un-American Activities, General van 
Horn Moseley, sensitive to the Jewish influence in his coun- 
try gave evidence in the form of a carefully compiled re- 
port of Jewish revolutionary activity in the States. The 
General gave at the same time evidence of a Jewish at- 
tempt “to find his price” to remain silent. The Commit- 
tee ordered that all of the evidence should be excluded 
from the records of its proceedings! This was done not 
only as a part of the usual conspiracy of silence on the 
Jewish influence but also to prevent a sympathetic under- 
standing of the cleansing going on in National Socialist 

Having succeeded in plunging France and the Brit- 
ish Empire into war with their enemies, World Jewry, 
stood aghast when Germany defeated France and threw the 
the British Forces into the sea. The next thing to do was to 
get the United States into the war or their cause would 
be lost. Having aided in getting the United States into 
the last war (see page 77) in a deal with Britain to grant 
them Palestine as a future National Home, the task was 
probably not considered without chance of success, as the 
future showed. 

Hollywood took a leading part in this campaign. And 
Hollywood counts. The whole world watches Hollywood 
and listens to Hollywood. And the Hollywood film-pro- 
ducing companies are largely Jewish. That is no secret. 

Of Hollywood, Senator B. C. Clark asserted on the 
10th day of September 1941, that half a dozen men con- 
trolling the film industry were bent on inflaming the 
American people to clamour for war. 

The Daily Express reported, 11th September, 1941: 

“Appearing before a Senate Committee investigat- 
ing propaganda in films, he (Senator Clark) said the 


industry was turning out dozens of pictures to infect 
the minds of their audiences with hatred to arouse their 
emotions. America’s 17,000 cinemas virtually consti- 
tute daily and nightly mass meetings for war.” 

Chapter XVI 


The line of demarcation between threatening war and 
waging it is rather indistinct when one of the belligerents 
is a community sheltering behind the defenses of many 
different Powers and recognized by these Powers to be 
their nationals although actually alien to them all. I 
have, however, endeavored to distinguish between these 
two conditions, giving proofs of threats in this chapter and 
proofs of actual waging of war in the next. 

The following examples disclose that the Jews be- 
lieve that they have the power, and will, if need be, 
to cause international strife: 

“If those discussions would result in the destruc- 
tion of Jewish rights in that country (Palestine) ...a 
deep despair would settle on the masses of the Jewish 
people. That would not be a development which sane 
statesmen could contemplate with unruffled compos- 
ure. In every deed, they would be confronted by the 
Jewish problem in a form more acute than at any time 
in history, and, try how they would they could not es- 
cape it. It would thrust up its hydra head at countless 
places in the diplomatic scene and block every avenue 
of international appeasement. (Watchman, London 
Jewish Chronicle, 3rd March 1939.) 

Rabbi A. H. Silver described in the London Jewish 
Chronicle as “one of the greatest leaders of the American 
Community,” speaking at his first meeting in England on 
a tour for the Second Palestine War Appeal, at Conway 
Hall on 12th March 1942, made this declaration: 

“There would never be peace in Europe until the 
problem of the Jewish People in Europe was solved. 


And the world ought to know that.” 

This statement was received with loud cheers by the 
Jewish audience. Under the circumstances in which this 
statement was made it is an utterance of extreme impor- 

At a Zionist Conference, reported 22nd January 1943 
(London Jewish Chronicle) the Jewish Berl Locker said: 

“They had the right to come to the world today 
and say ‘Here is the Jewish problem which you must 
solve. Otherwise there won’t be any rest in the world.’ ” 

Vladimir Jabotinski, Jewish Zionist leader, at the 5th 
Congress of Polish Zionist Revisionists at Warsaw said that 
the Jews might 


. . . become the dynamite which would blow up 
the British Empire.” (London Times, 30th December 

A Jew Eberlin wrote in his book A la VEILLE de la 

“The Jewish people will not obtain full possession 
of Palestine until the fall of English Imperialism ... 
Our principal aim, for the moment, is the destruction of 
British Imperialism.” 

Dr. B. Messinsohn, lecturing to Zionists at Cape Town, 
2nd July, 1930, said: 

“I warn the world that if it does not keep faith, 
there are 16 million Jews who will be filled again with 
the hatred and despair which released so many destruc- 
tive forces among them in the days of their great op- 
pression. I warn the world! We are a great Power.” 
(Cape Times, 3rd July 1930.) 

Col. Nathan, M. P., Chairman of the National De- 
fense Public Interest Committee, formed to boost British 
recruiting, told an audience: 

“Tf Zion falls, the British Empire falls with it.” 
(Jewish Chronicle, 27th January 1939.) 


And now for a few statements acknowledging Jewish 
power in the less recent past. 

“We are at the bottom, not merely of the latest 
Great War, but of nearly all your wars; not only of the 
Russian, but of every other major Revolution in your 
history ... We did it solely with the irresistable might 
of our spirit, with ideas and propaganda.” (By the Jew- 
ish writer Marcus Eli Ravage, Century Magazine, Jan- 
uary 1928.) 

“There is scarcely an event in modern Europe that 
cannot be traced back to the Jews. We Jews are to- 
day nothing else but the World’s seducers, its destroyers, 
its incendiaries, its executioners.” (By the Jewish schol- 
ar, Oscar Levy, in his preface to G. Lane-Fox Pitt-Rivers, 
The World Significance of the Russian Revolution.) 

Goldwin Smith, D. C. L., Professor of Modern His- 
tory at Oxford, wrote in the Nineteenth Century, October 
1881, as follows: 

“When I was last in England, we were on the 
brink of a war with Russia which would have involved 
the whole Empire ... The Jewish interests throughout 
Europe, with the Jewish Press of Vienna as its chief 
organ, was doing its utmost to push us in.” (This was 
the time of the Russo-Turkish War, 1877.) 

“The Jew alone,” he said further, “regards his race 

as superior to humanity, and looks forward not to 

its ultimate union with other races, but to its triumph 

over them all and to its final ascendency under the lead- 
ership of a tribal Messiah.” 

Col. C. Repington recounts a conversation he had 
(5th April 1921) with Count Mensdorff, Austrian Ambas- 
sador in London in 1914, as follows: 

“Mensdorff thought that Israel had won the War; 
they had made it, thrived on it, profited by it. It was 
their supreme revenge on Christianity.” (After The 
War, page 155, Constable, 1922.) 


“The hitherto unsuspectedly powerful force of Zion- 
ist Jewry in America” is revealed by Samuel Landman, 
member of the Board of Deputies in England and a Coun- 
cillor of the Zionist Federation, in a letter to the Jewish 
Chronicle, 7th February 1936 (see another source, page 
29). He writes: 

“|. . that the best and perhaps the only way to 
induce the American President to come into the war 
was to secure the co-operation of Zionist Jewry by prom- 
ising them Palestine. By so doing, the Allies would en- 
list and mobilize the hitherto unsuspectedly powerful 
force of Zionist Jewry in America and elsewhere in fa- 
vor of the Allies on a quid pro quo basis.”’ 

The promise of Palestine as a National Home for the 
Jews was made, and 

“.. The Zionists carried out their part and helped 
to bring America in. The Balfour Declaration of 2nd 
November 1917 was but the public confirmation of a 
verbal agreement of 1916.” 

Mr. Lloyd George, in the House of Commons. 19th 
June 1936, confirmed the facts set forth in Mr. Landman’s 
letter with these words: 

‘|. . We decided that it was desirable to secure the 
sympathy and co-operation of that most remarkable 
community, the Jews ... In these conditions, we pro- 
posed this (Balfour Declaration) to our Allies.” 

We have here, on the highest authority, proof that in 
1916 the Jewish influence in the United States was the 
deciding factor in the matter of peace or war for that 

“Get hold of fifty of the wealthiest Jewish finan- 
ciers, the men who are interested in making wars for 
their own profit. Control] them, and you will put an 
end to it all.” (Henry Ford, the motor car manufacturer, 


is reported as saying in the Cleveland News, 20th Septem- 
ber 1923.) 

Two years before the second world war, The Daily 
Express of 28th April 1937 (note 1937 date—-Ed.), re- 
ported that the present Baron Rothschild 3rd was asked 
by Mr. T. Driberg where he would live when the lease on 
his Piccadilly home fell in. The answer was: 

“Nowhere, probably; I just don’t know. Not until 
after the war, anyway.” 

Evidently the Baron knew there was going to be a 

In February 1945 the Jewish Chronicle, in a leading 
article, made the unguarded statement of “anti-semitism, 
without which this war would probably not have come 

This is authoritative evidence that we who were per- 
secuted under regulation 18b knew what we were talk- 
ing about. 

Chapter XVII 


The Jew has always been at war with the Gentile 

It is not, of course open war. But confirmation can 
be had in Jewish writings, if you look for it. The success 
of this secret war depends chiefly on the silence with 
which it is conducted. There must be no publicity. Their 
campaign against our world reminds one of the cuckoo 
which lays its eggs in the nest of the hospitable and un- 
suspecting hedge-sparrow. The ultimate consequence is 
the destruction of all the young hedge-sparrows. The Jews 
have come to power in a similar way. Only the intelli- 
gent few recognize them as inevitable enemies. Money 
is power, and Jewish money soon buys off effective oppo- 
sition to their presence and their actions. 

The general plan is to penetrate every effective means 
of influencing what is called “public opinion” and then to 
wear down the morale of his unsuspecting enemy and host 
by means of unsound ideas. Of these, “Liberty, Equality 
and Fraternity,’”* “no distinction of race, creed or col- 
,? are the principal shibboleths used to appeal to the 
inferiority complex of the mob to promote the tolerance 
of the Jewish influence in our midst. On the Liberal 
and Socialistic foundations thus secured, they build up 
Marxism, Bolshevism, perverted forms of Christianity, 
and anti-Nationalism disguised as Internationalism, all for 
the destruction of Gentile civilization. Through control, 
direct and indirect, over the Press, the Cinema, the Wire- 
less (i. e., radio—Ed.) and the doctrines of masonry, a 
censorship is imposed upon anyone who has become aware 
of what is going on and attempts to sound a warning. 


*See MARXISM AND JUDAISM, by Salluste. 


By such methods they destroyed Tsardom and re- 
placed it with Bolshevism to become the new ruling class. 
To undermine the power of their enemies they taught the 
idea of Communism to the Gentile and sent the old regime 
crashing at a time of stress and weakness. But their com- 
munism is but an idea. In actual practice it is a super- 
capitalism, State Capitalism, under their control. Per- 
haps this is an explanation why Jewish bankers support 
the Soviet regime and have been received in Moscow like 

The ultimate objective appears to be a world domi- 
nated by Jewish influence supported by an oriental ca- 
pacity for hatred towards one’s opponents and a desire 
for revenge which it is difficult for the Aryan people to 
understand. The fate of Hitler, the raping of German 
women and the looting and plundering of National Social- 
ist Germany is an example of their ferocity and of those 
who fall under their influence. 

“Not in vain,” said the Jewish poet Bialik, brother- 
in-law of the Soviet General Gamarnik, likewise Jewish, 
“have Jews been drawn towards journalism. In their 
hands it has become a weapon highly suited to meet their 
needs in their war of survival.” (An address at the He- 
brew University, Jerusalem, 1ith May 1933) 

None other than Benjamin Disraeli gives us this au- 
thoritative statement, written in 1852 when the revolu- 
tionary upheavals of 1848 had been convulsing Europe, 
on the perpetual war of the Jews against Christian civili- 

“The influence of the Jews may be traced in the 
last outbreak of the destructive principle in Europe.* 
An insurrection takes place against tradition and aris- 
tocracy, against religion and property ... the natural 
equality of men and the abrogation of property are pro- 
claimed by the Secret Societies which form Provisional 
Governments, and men of the Jewish race are found 

*See MARXISM AND JUDAISM, by Salluste. 


at the head of every one of them. The people of God 
co-operate with atheists; the most skillful accumulators 
of property ally themselves with Communists; the pecu- 
liar and chosen race touch the hand of all the scum and 
low castes of Europe; and all this because they wish to 
destroy that ungrateful Christendom which owes them 
even its name, and whose tyranny they can no longer 
endure.” * 

Apparently 100 years have brought no change in 
On the 24th March 1938, the Daily Express, whose 

Chairman is a Mr. Blumenfield, printed a huge caption 
across its front page: 


On 2nd January 1938 The Sunday Chronicle printed 
an enlarged caption: 

over an article which said: 

“The Jew is facing one of the biggest crises in his 
troubled history. In Poland, Rumania, Germany, Aus- 
tria, his back is to the wall. But now he is going to hit 
back hard. 

“This week the leaders of International Jewry will 
meet in a village near Geneva to devise a counter- 

“Eight hundred thousand Rumanian Jews are now 
jeopardized. In Hungary it is feared that open Gov- 
ernment measures will shortly succeed the fierce unoffi- 
cial anti-semitism in an attempt to force Hungarian Jews 
to emigrate. Austrian Jews dread similar action. 

“Now a united front composed of all sections of 
Jewish parties is to be formed. It will show the anti- 
semitic governments of Europe that the Jew insists on 

*Life of Lord George Bentinck, Colburn & Co., London, 1852, 
page 496. 

fair play. 

“The great International Jewish financiers are to 
contribute approximately 500,000,000 pounds sterling. 
This sum will be used to fight the persecuting States. 
The battle will be fought on the world’s stock exchanges. 
Since the majority of the anti-semitic States are bur- 
dened with heavy international debts, they will find their 
very existence threatened.” 

“A Boycott throughout Europe of their export prod- 
ucts by way of the retailer may undermine the present 
uncertain economic stability of several of the anti-se- 
mitic countries. 

Here is an admission of Jewish power and the will 
to ruin States hostile to them with utter disregard of the 
trade requirements of the countries of which they pretend 
to be nationals. It is obvious that a retail boycott in Eng- 
land against German goods would almost immediately 
cause a curtailment of British exports to Germany with re- 
sultant unemployement. 

Within a month the Goga Government of Rumania 
which sought to restrict Jewish commercial control, fell, 
owing to an economic and financial crisis. 

On 3rd June 1938 the influential American Hebrew 
printed an article with this foreword: “In a brilliantly 
written article a non-Jewish newspaperman ventures a dar- 
ing glimpse into the future.” The author was Joseph 
Trimble. It contained the following: 

“The forces of reaction are being mobilized. A 
combination of England, France and Russia will sooner 
or later bar the triumphant march of the success-crazed 
Fuhrer. Either by accident or by design a Jew has 
come to the position of foremost importance in each of 
these nations. 

“In the hands of non-aryans lie the very lives of 
millions. Blum is no longer Premier of France ... but 
President Lebrun is a mere figurehead and Daladier 
has shouldered the burden just for a moment. Leon Blum 


is a prominent Jew who counts ... He may yet be the 
Moses who will guide the French nation (1946, Blum 
negotiated French “Joan’—Ed.). And Litvinoff? The 
great Jew who sits at the right hand of Stalin, the little 
tin-soldier of Communism. Litvinoff has increased in 
stature until he far outranks any Comrade of the In- 
ternationale with the exception of the sallow-complex- 
ioned Keeper of the Kremlin. 

“Keen, cultured, capable, Litvinoff fostered and pro- 
moted the Franco-Russian Pact. It was he who sold 
President Roosevelt. He has accomplished the ultimate 
in the diplomatic ken by keeping Conservative England 
—managed by silk-topped Etonians—on the most ami- 
cable terms with Red Russia. 

“And Hore-Belisha! Suave, slick and clever, am- 
bitious and competent, buoyant and authoritative... 
his star is rising. He will follow the path of Disraeli 
into the residence at 10 Downing Street, where the des- 
tinies of all the King’s men are decided. The rise of 
Hore-Belisha has been sensational. He is pastmaster 
of the sagacious use of the public press, having learned 
his stuff from Lord Beaverbrook. He has managed to 
keep his own name prominent. This aggressive young 
man has transformed the British Army from a shaggy, 
shabby, down-in-the-mouth and round-at-the-heels out- 
fit to a mechanical fighting-machine, which is at war- 
time strength in a world that threatens to become little 
more than a dung-hill for dictators. 

“So it may come to pass that these three great Sons 
of Israel, these three representatives of the race that has 
been forced to play Jean Valjean to Hitler’s Jevert; 
these three Jews will form the combine that will send 
the frenzied dictator, who has become the greatest Jew- 
hater in modern times, to the Hell to which he has con- 
signed so many of ‘their kind of people’... 

“It is almost certain that these three nations, bound 
by numerous agreements, and in a state of virutal though 
undeclared alliance, will stand shoulder to shoulder to 


ward off the subsequent strides of Hitler toward the 
East. The order that propels a Nazi goose-stepper 
across the Czech border will be the spark that will once 
again send Europe to smash. 

“And when the smoke of the battle clears away and 
the trumpets no longer blare and the bullets have 
ceased to blast, there may be presented a tableau show- 
ing the man who played God, the swastikaed Christus, 
being lowered none to gently into a hole in the ground 
as the trio of non-Aryans intone a ramified requiem, that 
sounds suspiciously like a medley of the Marsellaise, 
God Save the King, and the Internationale, blending in 
grand finale into a militant, proud and aggressive ar- 
rangement of Eili, Bili!” (Jewish cry of triumph.—Ed.) 

Rabbi M. Perlzwerg, head of the British Section of 
the World Jewish Congress, told a Canadian audience: 

“The World Jewish Congress has been at war with 
Germany for seven years.” (Toronto Evening Telegram, 
26th Feb. 1940.) 

This statement confirms Samuel Untermeyer’s declara- 
tion of a “holy war” over Radio Station WABC on Au- 
gust 7, 1938. 

Another confirmation is from Moishe Shertok, speak- 
ing at the British Zionist Conference in Jan. 1943: 

“The Yishuv was at war with Hitler long before 
Great Britain and America.” (Jewish Chronicle, 22 Jan. 

The Yishuv is the Jewish movement in Palestine. 

Lord, Strabolgi, on 4th July 1944, said Chaim Weiz- 
mann, just before the outbreak of the war, offered Mr. 
Chamberlain help from Jewry all over the world, includ- 
ing man-power. 

Some details of the economic war, as conducted by 
boycott, follow: 

In April, 1934, Mr. Herbert Morrison, Chairman of 


the London County Council and Leader of the Labor 
Party, spoke at a ball to raise funds for the Jewish Rep- 
resentative Council for Boycott of German Goods and 
Services. He said: 

“It is the duty of all British citizens who love free- 
dom and liberty to boycott German goods and services.” 

This is a lesson in international amity. 

There was also a Joint Council of Trades and Indus- 
tries with Lord Melchett and H. L. Nathan, now Lord 
Nathan, both Jews, at its head, which boycotted English- 
men who wanted to sell German goods. 

This is a lesson in domestic amity. 

There was a Women’s Shoppers’ League to assist the 
boycotting, and a British Boycott Organization headed by 
the Jewish Captain W. J. Webber (who later went bank- 
rupt without assets), for which Mr. J. C. Lockwood, M. 
P., and Sir George Jones, M. P., spoke. 

Meanwhile the World Jewish Congress tried to or- 
ganize a world boycott of German goods. Across the At- 
lantic, Samuel Untermeyer was President of the Non-Sec- 
tarian Boycott League of America. 

All of these acts of economic war were permitted by 
the Governments of Britain and the United States. 

At a meeting organized by the United Jewish Com- 
mittee to Aid Soviet Russia, held at Grosvenor House in 
November, 1942, Mr. Beverly Nichols said he thought 

“When Hitler had said this was a Jewish war, he 
was saying something which was largely true, in that 
if it had not been for the pogroms and the constant 
persecution of the Jews, the world would not have been 
aroused to a consciousness of the essential evil that was 

Rt. Hon. Walter Elliott, M. P., speaking at the Albert 
Hall in a demonstration against the Nazis’ treatment of 

the Jews, October 1942, said he, 

“, . considered that the atrocities of the Nazis 
were, more than any other single factor, the cause of 
Great Britain going to war. He well remembered how, 
years before the war, Sir Austin Chamberlain drew at- 
tention to the atrocities against the Jews, and warned 
the world that with such a system, ordinary relations 
would be impossible.” 

Neither of these speakers had a word, of course, of 
the Jewish atrocities against Germany which caused Hit- 
ler to destroy the Jewish power in his country. 

In making war on Hitler, the Jews had also to make 
war against the anti-Jewish workers in the Allied coun- 
tries. Measures were passed through our feeble and sub- 
servient Parliament which were quite un-British and un- 
precedented in modern times. Every anti-Jewish patriot 
was branded in the press as a Quisling, and if he was con- 
sidered important enough, he was arrested. Then with- 
out charge or trial, he was consigned to prison or intern- 
ment camp indefinitely. 

A subservient Home Secretary was secured in Sir 
John Anderson, and later Mr. Herbert Morrison. The 
latter politician, of whose racial origin we know nothing, 
has a queer record as regards war. In the last War he 
was a conscientious objector. He is responsible for the 
following words in the Labour Leader, 3rd September 
1914, which are quoted here so that the reader may know 
the kind of man who was given office in 1940: 

“Your King and Country need you! 

“Ah! Men of the country, you are remembered. 
Neither the King nor the Country, nor the picture pa- 
pers have forgotten you. When the military were used 
against you in the strike, did you wonder if your King 
was really in love with you? Did you? Ah, foolish 
ones, your King and Country need you. Need hundreds 
of you to go to Hell and to do the work of Hell. The 
Commandment says ‘Thou shalt not kill.’ Pah! What 


does that matter? Commandments, like treaties, were 
made to be broken. Ask your parson; he will explain. 
Your King and Country need you. Go forth, little sol- 
diers, go forth, though you have no grievance against 
your German brother—Go forth, and kill him. He is 
only a German dog, will he not kill you if he gets the 
chance? Of course he will—he is being told the same 

In this war, however, Mr. Morrison exhorted the na- 
tion to “GO TO IT.” What explanation, other than the 
Jew is in peril, can be given? 

It is not known if Mr. Morrison is a Jew or not. But 
why would he speak at the all-Jewish “Sedar” Service, 
17th April 1939, at the Hotel Astor, New York? Why 
was he on the Committee of the Annual Meeting for the 
Jewish National Fund’s 1936 Exhibition and Bazaar? 

The somersault of Mr. Morrison is no more strange 
than the somersaults of the Archbishops and of Mr. 
Churchill in their outlook upon Bolshevism in Russia. It 
is no more to be wondered at than the somersaults of the 
peace enthusiasts who forget all about the desirability of 
Peace when the destruction of the Jewish influence 
seemed imminent. They rushed the country headlong into 
war then. 

Those patriotic men and women who expressed their 
opinion that the country was brought into war by Jew- 
ish influences were flung into jail by Sir John Anderson. 
Regulation 18b which made this possible was pronounced 
on all sides as un-British—the Ogpu Anglicised. Is that 
why so few Members of Parliament raised their voices 
against it? Perhaps they feared to find themselves in 
Brixton alongside their colleague, Capt. A. H. M. Ramsey. 
The Jewish Chronicle never failed to publish all the news 
about 18b, true or false. Any feeble attempt on the part 
of isolated inarticulate people to protest against the treat- 
ment of loyal Britons under 18b was stigmatized as ‘“So- 
licitude for 18b’s.” 


In the ‘Sermon of the Week,” 8th May 1942, the 
Jewish Chronicle said: 

“We have been at war with him (Hitler) from the 
first day that he gained power.’ ” 

The Chicago Jewish Sentinel, 8th October 1942, said: 

“The Second World War is being fought for the 
defense of the fundamentals of Judaism.” 

Chapter XVIII 


In Britain, the Ministry responsible during the 
months before the War began was largely under Jewish 
influence. The Prime Minister, Mr. Chamberlain* was 
not, however, in my opinion, so strongly under this in- 
fluence. He genuinely tried to avoid war over Czecho- 
slovakia in 1938. His failing health weakened his resist- 
ance to the pressure of the war-mongers. Had he resigned 
in protest possibly he might have made sufficient stir to 
prevent war. 

With the exception of a few Ministers in compara- 
tively domestic posts, the whole Ministry had contact with 
the influential] part of the Jewish Community in Britain. 
Why all these men acted as they did I do not pretend to 
know. Some may have acted in ignorance; some because 
of their ties with masonry. Some may have ceased to 
think like Britons. All were steepd in the shibboleths of 
democracy as politicians must inevitably be. None had 
an inkling of Race, the true basis for Real Politics. I have 
shown in other Chapters that there is no explanation of 
their genera] disregard for their country’s interests if 
they are to be regarded as intelligent and honest. My only 
object in going further into their Jewish contacts is to 
make the reader realize the extent of this alien penetra- 
tion into British political circles. I wish to point out de- 
fects in public life with a view to their reformation and 
to excite endeavor to correct these defects by lawful means 
because their continuance is a peril. 

The Chancellor of the Exchequer was Sir John Simon 
(now Lord Simon), not Jewish, but with Jewish connec- 

*Mr. Chamberlain’s father offered the Jews a valuable tract 
of land in East Africa free for their National Home. At that time 
a British settler could get no free land there. He had in fact, to 
pay a deposit before he could enter the country. 



tions. His wife is an ardent Zionist. Lord Simon was a 
regular guest of the late Sir Phillip Sassoon. Lord Simon 
recently came in for a legacy from the Jewish Sir Stra- 
kosch. In February, 1943, when he became Lord Chancel- 
lor, he declared at St. Stephen’s Club, S. W., “We shall 
maintain,” in the matter of reprisals on the Nazis. “the 
good British principle that only those should be punished 
who are proved to be guilty.” This was said in full knowl- 
edge that anti-Jewish patriots were at that moment suf- 
fering years of imprisonment for no offense and without 
trial, under Regulation 18B. Later, in a debate on 18b 
in the House of Lords (London Times, 26 Jan. 1944) he 
said that 18b was “preventive, not punitive;” here again, 
he knew quite well that detention cannot be otherwise 
than punitive. Actually, the detention at first was not 
merely punitive but sadistic, whilst throughout the years, 
detainees were only allowed to see their wives, families 
or friends for half an hour per week in a supervised 
prison visit. 

The Home Secretary was Sir Samuel Hoare. He said 
in a Rotary Club meeting in 1938 that he found the Jews 

an asset to Britain.* Like Lord Simon, he was a regular 
guest of Sir Phillip Sassoon. 

Lord Halifax was Foreign Secretary. His son and 
heir had married the granddaughter of a Rothschild. 

At the War Office was Hore-Belisha. One of his 
Under-Secretaries was the Jewish Sir F. C. Bovenschen. 
His catering adviser was the Jewish Sir I. Salmon. 

As Lord Chancellor we had Lord Maugham, with Jew- 
ish family ties through marriage. His Permanent Secre- 
tary was the Jewish Sir Claud (now Baron) Schuster. 

Lord Runciman was Lord President of the Council; 
his son and heir had married a Jewess as his first wife. 

At the Board of Trade was Hon. O. Stanley, whose 
brother-in-law was a Rothschild’s son. 

*Sir Samuel must have been reading Beverly Nichols’ NEWS OF 


Lord Stanhope was at the Admiralty. Though he 
looks Jewish, here we know of no Jewish connection. 

The Secretary of State for India was the Marquess 
of Zetland, who has Jewish connections by marriage and 
is a prominent Freemason. His Assistant Under-Secretary 
was the Jewish Sir Cecil Kisch; his Honorary Financial 
Adviser, the Jewish Sir H. Strakosch. The Economic Ad- 
viser to the Indian Government was the Jewish T. E. 
Gregory, whose real name is Guggenheim. 

Mr. Malcolm Macdonald was Colonial Secretary. He 
is associated with Israel Moses Sieff in “P. E. P.” (See 
page 11.) 

The Dominions Under-Secretary was the Duke of 
Devonshire. On the Directorate of the Alliance Assur- 
ance Company he had as associates the Jews Rothschild, 
Bearsted and Rosebery. In 1936 the Duke was associated 
with the management of the Exhibition in the Aid of the 
Jewish National Fund. 

Sir Kingsly Wood, the Secretary for Air, is a strong 
supporter of “P. E. P.” institutions. He has described the 
Jews as “a race we value in this country and whom we 
always desire to have with us.” 

The Ministry of Education was held by Earl de la 
Warr. He is a “P. E. P.” associate. His Parliamentary 
Secretary was Mr. Kenneth Lindsay, once Secretary of 
“P, E. P.” Mr. Lindsay’s private secretary was Miss 
Thelma Cazalet, a Zionist. 

Mr. Ernest Brown was Minister of Labour and Na- 
tional Service. He had the Jew Humbert Wolfe as Par- 
liamentary Secretary. 

Mr. E. L. Burgin was Transport Minister. He is a 
solicitor whose firm advises the bankers Lazard Bros. 

Mr. H. H. Ramsbotham (now Baron Soulbury) was 
First Commissioner of Works. His wife is the Jewess De 

The Permament Secretary at the Ministry of Pensions 


was Sir Adair Hore, step-father of the Hore-Belisha. War 

For further research we suggest reading of THE 
JEWS, by Hilaire Belloc. 

The French Government was similarly penetrated, 
influenced and controlled by Jewish interests. 

In December 1938 the New York Daily News ran a 
several columned article on the Jews holding Federal po- 
sitions in the United States. 

As the war developed, certain changes took place in 
our Government. The chief one was Mr. Winston 
Churchill becoming Prime Minister in place of Mr. Cham- 
berlain. Mr. Churchill is half American. His family has 
had close connections with Jewish interests. Mr. Churchill 
has said that his father, Lord Randolph, had Lord Rose- 
bery as his greatest friend. It is to be remembered that 
Lord Rosebery was married to a Rothschild. Lord Ran- 
dolph was the recipient of a “loan” of 5,000 pounds ster- 
ling from Lord Rosebery. Accompanied by a Rothschild 
mining engineer he toured South Africa investing in gold 
mines. It is said that his profit was considerable. An an- 
cestor, the Duke of Marlborough, is said to have received 
a retainer of 6,000 pounds a year from the Jewish gold 
broker Solomon Medina in exchange for information about 
the progress of the war on the Continent. This informa- 
tion enabled Medina to rig markets. August Belmont, a 
Rothschild representative in New York was a close friend 
of Churchill’s maternal grandfather. 

Churchill’s brother is with the Jewish stock broker- 
age firm of Messrs. Vickers Da Costa & Co., who handle 
the Rothschild account. Churchill’s daughter married the 
Jewish comedian Vie Oliver and divorced him in 1945. 
His son, Randolph, officiated in 1933 as Chairman of the 
Young Men’s Committee of the British Association of Mac- 
cabees, an all-Jewish society. Churchill was injured in 
the United States some years before the war, by misjudg- 
ing the reversed traffic directions, while there to visit Mr. 
Bernard Baruch. Mr. Baruch’s influence in America needs 


no comment. From the Jewish Sir H. Strakosch Churchill 
received a 20,000 pound legacy in 1944. 

Mr. Churchill has long received favorable mention 
in the Jewish press of Britain. His fight on the Aliens 
Bill and against the tightening-up of naturalization regu- 
lations in 1908-4 received this comment: 

“The House of Commons Lobby correspondent of 
the Daily Telegraph says ‘Obstructionists had matters 
all their own way with the Aliens Bill in Grand Com- 
mittee yesterday. Clause I was postponed and only a 
line and a half of Clause II was passed. At this rate it 
will take 165 days to get the measure through. Mr. 
Churchill, Mr. Trevelyan and Mr. Runciman were in 
high glee at the success of their tactics.” (Jewish 
World, 24th June 1904.) 

“Mr. Winston Churchill’s splendid fight in Grand 
Committee against the first Aliens Bill will linger long 
in the recollection of those who witnessed it.” (Jewish 
Chronicle, 15th Dec. 1905.) 

“Dr. Dulberg said that the naturalization question 
was an essentially Jewish one, and that it was the am- 
bition of the bulk of the Jewish aliens who came to this 
country to be naturalized. He expressed the hope that 
Mr. Churchill would carry his promises into effect and 
transform his words into deeds.” (Jewish Chronicle 
14th Dec. 1906.) 

“Mr. (now Sir) Stuart Samuel reminded his co- 
religionists that in 1903 Mr. Churchill rendered val- 
uable service to them by opposing the Aliens Bill. Mr. 
Churchill was one of the first to come forward to op- 
pose that Bill, and no one fought against it with greater 
spirit or greater ability.” (Manchester Guardian, 21st 
April 1908.) 

Mr. Churchill later sought regard for his services: 

“Mr. Churchill in addressing a Jewish audience at 
the rooms of the Achei B’rith Society on Sunday eve- 
ning appealed for their support on account of the work 


he had done for Jews in connection with the Aliens Bill. 
With regard to the first measure on the subject, men 
like Sir Charles Dilke, Mr. Herbert Samuel and himself 
had striven their utmost to wreck the bill.” (Manchester 
Guardian, 9th Jan. 1906.) 

Mr. Churchill was Chancellor of the Exchequer in 
1925 when Britain returned to the gold standard. He ad- 
mitted in the House of Commons on 17th Nov. 1944 that 

“,. he had been a consistent friend of the Jews 
and a constant architect of their future.” 

Mr. Eden replaced Lord Halifax as Foreign Minister 
in 1940. Lord Halifax went to the United States with the 
part Jewish Sir R. I. Campbell to help him. It is no secret 
that Mr. Eden is a great friend of Litvinoff, Foreign Min- 
ister of the Soviets, and of the late Sir Phillip Sassoon, 
whose mother was a Rothschild. Eden used to “sup” with 
Sassoon several times a week. Here are some newspaper 
extracts of Mr. Eden’s Jewish political affiliations: 

“Those who disagree with the Government are look- 
ing with interest to Mr. Anthony Eden and wondering 
which way he means to go. I learn that Mr. Eden is 
being attracted by the Planners, the organization called 
Political and Economic Planning, which names itself 
P. E. P. for short. Planner No. 1 is Mr. Israel Sieff. 
In his Park Lane flat he gives some of the best dinner 
parties in London. Unleavened bread is the feature of 
these functions. Mr. Kenneth Lindsay, Mr. Robert Ber- 
nays and Commander Locker-Lampson are frequent 
guests. Mr. Amery is also a friend of the Sieffs! 

“Members of a Sieff dinner party are usually taken 
around midnight to some dance in aid of a Jewish char- 
ity at one of the big hotels. 

“But before leaving the flat Mr. Sieff provides the 
party with entertainment. They are invited to strip off 
their tail coats and play ping-pong or else ride on the 
artificial electric camel upon which Mr. Sieff takes ex- 


ercise each morning.” (Evening Standard, 5th August 

“Sir Phillip Sassoon, First Commissioner for Works, 
is the latest Minister to be involved in controversy with 
the Premier. Mr. Chamberlain discovered that Sir 
Phillip had been allowing Anthony Eden and his satel- 
lites to hold meetings in his room at the House of Com- 
mons. Eden and Sassoon had been friends for years.” 
(News Review, 21st July 1938.) 

The pedigree of the Schaffalitsky in Mr. Eden’s name 
is not known. 

Certain transfers to other posts took place among 
men I have already mentioned. Of new blood were: 

1. The Minister of Food, Lord Woolton, ex-manager 
of the Jewish firm of Lewis’s, Ltd. 

2. Minister of Information, Sir J. Reith. Sir John 
is married to one of the Oldhams family of the Daily Her- 
ald. The Jewish Elias (Baron Southwood) has an impor- 
tant interest here. 

3. Mr. Ernest Bevin as Minister of Labour. He was 
Deputy Chairman of the Daily Herald under Baron South- 

4. Sir J. L. Gilmour, as Minister of Shipping. He is 
a member of the Jewish stockbroking firm of Joseph Sobag 
& Co. 

5. Lord Hankey, Minister Without Portfolio to the 
War Cabinet. The Sunday Express, 26th June 1922, and 
the Jewish Guardian, 30th June 1922, have mentioned him 
as being Jewish. 

6. Mr. Brenden Bracken, Minister of Information 
after Sir J. Reith. Mr. Bracken was lately Managing Di- 
rector of the Jewish-controlled Economist. He recently 
received a legacy from the Jewish Sir H. Strakosch. 

7. Mr. Alfred Duff Cooper, after a lecture tour of 
the United States to condition the American mind for war, 


became Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. As one 
of the most ardent advocates of armed opposition to Hit- 
ler, his child was favored by having the late Otto Kahn, 
of the New York banking firm of Kuhn-Loeb, become its 

8. Mr. J. A. de Rothschild became Joint Parliamen- 
tary Secretary, Minister of Supply in 1945. 

This is by no means a complete account of the Min- 
isterial changes, but it will serve to demonstrate the sort 
of people who formed our Government during the War. 
The success of a politician depends on his working for the 
maintenance of the Jewish influence and never opposing 
it. Little wonder that the scope of this influence is with- 
held from the British people. Any politician breaking the 
Conspiracy of Silence risks his feeodom and perhaps his 
life. Capt. Ramsay has thus far escaped with the loss of 
his freedom. 

In the narrow strata of our national life that I have 
reviewed I have shown how the complacent Gentile poli- 
tician finds it well paid to speak of Jews as injured inno- 
cents with never a part in the corruption of ideas, national 
degeneration, or bloody revolution. The controlled press, 
radio and cinema, is ever at his command. But native 
Britons daring to oppose being smothered by this alien 
influence are treated as criminals. It is anti-Gentilism that 
goes aided, abetted and unchecked everywhere in official 

That similar influences abound in the Governments 
of the United States and Russia is not unknown to us here 
in Britain, but my purpose will be served by pointing out 
that nearly all the important agents sent to this country 
by these Governments have been either Jewish or accom- 
panied by Jewish advisers. 

The Soviet Ambassador in London for the first years 
of the war was the Jewish Maisky; the present Ambassa- 
dor is Feodor Gusev (Joseph). The Allies are scarcely 
allowed to speak with one another except through their 


Jewish emissaries or men with Jewish wives. The Soviet 
Foreign Office has always been staffed with Jews or their 
complacent tools. Maxim Litvinoff, man of many aliases, 
ran it for years. The Daily Telegraph reported, 9th April 
1937, “Since M. Litinoff ousted Chicherin, no Russian ever 
held a high post in the Commissariat for Foreign Affairs.” 
This paper overlooks that Chicerin’s mother was a Jewess. 
Molotov, the Foreign Minister, has a Jewish wife. One of 
his two assistants is the Jewish Lozovsky. Lozovsky re- 
newed the Kamchatka fisheries treaty with Japan in 
1942. This was a considerable aid to the country 
Churchill arranged with Roosevelt to bring into the war 
against us. 

Litvinoff was the Soviet Ambassador to the United 
States from 1941 to 1943; the Jewish B. E. Stein to Italy 
until relations were severed by war; the Jewish Yureneff 
to Germany and the Jewish Souritz to France. The in- 
fluence is carried over into the army—the Russian soldier 
bears on his cap the five-pointed Star of Judah. The press 
reported the Jewish General Chornyakhovsky as leading 
the Soviety Army into East Prussia. The reconquered 
Ukraine has the Foreign Commissar, the Jewish D. Z. 
Manuilsky, an old associate of the Jewish Bela Kun, leader 
of the Red Terror in Hungary. As the Soviet armies 
drove through Hungary, the Jewish Komlosi was Com- 
missar in Szeged and the Jewish Sobesi in Debreczen. 

Mrs. Churchill was met by the Jewish Mme. Molotov 
and the Jewish Maisky on her arrival in Moscow in 1945. 
Stalin’s second wife is Jewish and the Jewish Kagano- 
vitch has been his right hand man. 

In the United States, Mr. Cordell Hull is influenced 
by his Jewish wife. Mr. Sol Bloom is Chairman of an 
important Foreign Affairs Committee. The Jewish L. 
Steinhardt was Ambassador to Russia. He has since been 
shifted to Turkey. Aiding greatly in preventing Poland 
from coming to an agreement with Germany over the Ger- 
man city Danzig and the Corridor was the half Jewish 
Ambassador to France, W. C. Bullitt. 


The Jewish R. E. Schoenfeld has filled the position 
of American Charge d’Affaires to the various sham Allied 
“Governments” in London. Mr. Bernard Baruch, the 
American “elder statesman” has functioned in various 
advisory capacities in the mobilization of the war effort 
in that country. The United States Treasury is directed 
by Henry Morgenthau, Jr., author of the infamous Mor- 
genthau Plan. The Jewish Dr. H. Aboulker concealed in 
his house British and American agents preparing the Al- 
lied invasion of French North Africa. The Jewish politi- 
cal columnist Walter Lippman instructs the American pub- 
lic how to think politically. Britons are weary of the 
phrase in the Times “as Mr. Walter Lippman says.” Mr. 
Lippmann told the American Society of Newspaper Edi- 
tors (21st April 1944) that the peace of the world would 
be kept by the United States, Russia and British Empire 
in a permanent alliance. 

In Italy, the fall of Mussolini was brought about by 
the Jewish Bottai and the half-Jew Ciano, and the Gentile 
Grandi. Bodoglio, who was held up as the nation’s leader, 
is said to be Jewish (Opinion Magazine, Rabbi Stephen 
S. Wise, editor, Nov. 1939). 

“General Tito” of Jugoslavia made the Jewish Moishe 
Pyade his Vice President; the Jewish Dr. A. Berkania his 
Supreme Judge; his Adviser on Foreign Affairs is a man 
by the name of Levy and his Financial Adviser the Jew- 
ish Mikloshi. Slovene partisans (the “Liberation Front’) 
have the Jewish leaders Bebler, Kidric, and Vidmar. 

The French Government of de Gaulle has contained 
the following known to be Jewish: Rene Meyer, Minister 
for Communications; Mendes France, Minister for Jus- 
tice, replacing J. Abadie, known for the judicial murder 
of M. Peucheu; Pierre Bloch, Under-Secretary of the In- 
terior; Alphand, Director of Economic Affairs; J. Koenig, 
Commander-in-Chief of the French Forces from June 
1944, and Carsain and Monthoux, secretaries of De 
Gaulle. The Director of the Press Bureau of the War 
Ministry at Algiers is the Jewish Georges Meyer; the 


Mayor of Algiers, 1945, is the Jewish S. Leber, Director 
of the Bank of Algiers. 

In Abyssinia the Jewish Norman Bentwich visited 
the country to advise the Emperor on the Constitution he 
was to have. As a result an almost completely Jewish ad- 
ministration was installed for the Emperor. Prof. Kamrat 
is in charge of Education; the Messrs. Tedesco and Katz 
manage Finance; N. Marion is Minister of Justice; Dr. A. 
Schalit is Minister for Health and Ulendorf manages prop- 
aganda for native consumption. 

In Eritrea a Mr. Greenspan is Public Prosecutor. 

When Russia proposed terms for an armistice with 
Finland in 1944 the communication was made through 
Marcus Wallenberg, a prominent Jewish financier in Swe- 
den (Times, 6th March 1944). It was through Wallen- 
berg that the United States arranged to curtail the supply 
of Swedish ball-bearings to Germany. 

In the Ukraine, as in many other countries, the gue- 
rillas were largely Jewish. It was their activities which 
led to the reprisals we have heard so much about. 

The Inter-Allied Committee of Co-ordination, an or- 
ganization ‘mainly concerned with propaganda for the 
United Nations,” has as its Secretary the Jewish A. Ham- 
wee, who was arrested in Buenos Aires in June, 1944, on 
suspicion of engaging in espionage. 

“Liberated Belgium” had the Jewish Gutt ag Finance 
Minister. His confiscatory decrees are well known. 

To “Liberated Greece” was sent the Jewish Sir S. D. 
Waley to advise on the new currency. As a result Greece 
is now enslaved under the Gold Standard. 

As the Allies burst through Germany, Jews were 
placed in important administrative positions. The Jew- 
ish Winkler became Police Commissioner in Cologne. The 
Jewish H. Fried became the American Military Governor 
of Hanover. 

Henry Morgenthau, Jr., is author of the Morgenthau 

Plan, the basis of the Potsdam Declaration. 

The London Economist, 28th August 1945, wrote of 
the Potsdam Declaration: 

“The conviction that the peace proposal at Pots- 
dam is a thoroughly bad peace is not based on any sen- 
timental softening toward Germany. It is based upon 
the belief that the system proposed is unworkable. It 
offers no hope of ultimate German reconciliation. It 
offers little hope of the Allies maintaining its cumbrous 
controls beyond the first years of peace. Its methods 
of reparation reinforce autarchy in Russia and consum- 
mate the ruin not only of Germany but of Europe. 
Above all it has in it not a single constructive idea, not 
a single hopeful perspective for the post-war world.” 

Senator William Langer (North Dakota) said in the 
U. S. Senate: 

“Mr. Morgenthau now stands convicted before the 
conscience of the world as the instigator of systematic 
annihiliation of the German-speaking peoples. The 
record further proves, beyond any question of doubt, 
that these fanatical and reactionary high priests of hate 
and vengeance will never be able to defend their con- 
spiracy before the bar of human reason or human de- 
cency. (Congressional Record, April 18, 1946.) 

Colonel Bernard Bernstein is the chief cartel investi- 
gator for the United States Army. 

U. S. District Judge Simon H. Rifkind was appoint- 
ed Special Adviser to General Eisenhower (and later to 
Gen. Joseph T. McNarney) after the late Genera] Patton 
had belittled de-nazification by declaring that he had 
“never seen the necessity of the denazification program.” 
(New York Times, 23rd Sept. 1945.) 

On the 24th September 1945, the New York Times 
editorialized as follows: 


“General Patton is a fine soldier. He has won the 


well deserved gratitude of the American people for his 
brilliant military leadership. But General Patton is 
now head of the Military Government of Bavaria, and 
what he says on the subject of occupation policy is cer- 
tain to affect both the attitude of our own troops and 
the response of the German people. When, therefore, 
General Patton belittles the very purpose for which the 
war in Europe was fought—namely, the denazification 
of Germany—we do not believe that his remarks should 
go unchallenged either by his commanding officer, Gen- 
eral Eisenhower, or by his superiors in Washington.” 

This editorial opinion by an authoritative newspaper 
in the United States, owned by Mr. Arthur Hays Sulz- 
berger, the Jewish publisher, is but a confirmation of our 
own opinion that the war was Jewish. Denazification 
brought with it Jewish administration everywhere. 

The Soviets appointed the Jewish Scheinine as crimi- 
nal investigator in their zone in Berlin. 

Wherever the Allies “liberate” there arises at once 
confusion, want and anarchy. When the occupying power 
is Russia, no individual opposed to Bolshevism can hope 
for anything better than starvation. For the less lucky, 
there is deportation and a nameless death in prisons, in- 
ternment camps and mines. The Bishop of Gloucester 
at the Church Assembly in February, 1945, described how 
the Russians were attempting to destroy the people and 
their Churches in Latvia and Esthonia. The greater part 
of Europe is already in the grip of Bolshevism. When 
the European countries were “liberated?” by the British 
and American Forces, impotent governments of any shade 
from pink to red were formed. The people starve and, 
except where the Allied troops compel order, barbaric 
bestiality, formerly kept under disciplined control by the 
Fascist and National Socialist governments, is again let 
loose. The exploits of the “Underground” are extolled in 
the liberal democratic press while the efforts of the law- 
fully constituted governments to control this menace to 
their security were subjected to the vilest calumnies. What 


connection there is between this anachronism and the large 
number of Jewish names appearing in reports of “Under- 
ground” activities is left to the reader’s judgment. 

Clearly an attempt is to be made to bolshevise Eu- 
rope. Starvation is the best foundation for a bolshevist 
revolution. Is this why starvation always follows “libera- 
tion”? We have seen how UNRRA and the provision for 
supplies is largely under Jewish control. It is worthwhile 
giving thought to the long occupation of the French ports 
by the German garrisons. As the Russians advanced into 
Germany from the East they liquidated the garrisons of 
the Baltic ports as soon as they were able to. I make the 
suggestion that the passive policy adopted by Britain and 
America with regard to the French ports may not have 
been imposed by military considerations at all, but by 
the Supreme Power behind the Allies, to ensure the non- 
availibility of the ports and the starvation of the “‘libera- 
ed” peoples, with the object of facilitating bolshevisation. 

This Chapter will not be complete without a few 
words about two orders from General Eisenhower. The 
one, insisting on unconditional surrender, and the other, 
enforcing non-fraternization with the Germans. 

Our unconditional surrender policy prolonged the 
war far beyond what was necessary. It caused thousands 
of needless casualties. It ensured the annihilation of many 
ancient and modern cities, with the roads, railways and 
canals serving them. No Allied interest could possibly 
benefit. By ruining Germany, we ruined a market for our 
own goods. 

As for the non-fraternization order, one would have 
thought that if the German mentality had been as distorted 
as it was claimed, a good cure would have been friendly 
talk between “enlightened Allied soldiers and the be- 
nighted anti-semities of Germany. Then the latter might 
realize how mistaken they were. 

But from the Jewish denazification angle, the ruin 
of Germany, the destruction of her culture and the massa- 


ere of her fighting men in battle mean nothing to an Old 
Testament outlook steeped in the Asiatic mentality of 
revenge and extermination. 

Fraternization would speedily have made the Allied 
fighting men conscious of the Jewish influence for which 
they had been driven into battle. Through fraternization 
they would really have discovered for what they had been 
fighting! No, it was necessary to maintain the non-frater- 
nization order until most of the keenest of the Nazis had 
been wiped up, and that was what was done. 

Non-fraternization is entirely contrary to all ideas of 
British chivalry and remote from Aryan British spirit. 

Chapter XIX 


Had peace come by negotiation or stalemate, Brit- 
ons would then have been able to deal with the Jewish 
influence dominating the affairs of their country. Then 
there would have been a good chance for a brilliant Brit- 
ish future. 

But the United Nations won outright, thus enabling 
the Jewish influence at once to achieve complete World 
Domination through the Governments of the United 
States, Russia and the British Empire. This influence in 
Russia will control the continent, and the United States 
will hold the rest of the world in debt bondage. 

“The United States, the greatest naval Power in the 
world,” admits the Times, 31 August 1944. “It is un- 
deniable,” says this paper, 11th Nov. 1944, “that the thread 
running through all American thinking on this subject is 
that the age of sea-power was Britain’s and the age of 
air-power is to be America’s.” 

Russia has already shown that whenever she de- 
sires, she can shoulder Britain out of her way. She made 
war on Bulgaria without consulting us at the very mo- 
ment when our emissaries were conferring with Bulgarian 
representatives on the terms of a peace. Let Churchill’s 
own estimates of Soviet intentions be quoted from his 
GREAT CONTEMPORARIES (1937, page 168): 

“No faith need be, indeed may be, kept with the 
communists. Every act of goodwill, of tolerance, of 
conciliation, of mercy, of magnanimity on the part of 
the governments or statesmen is to be utilized for their 
ruin. Then when the time is ripe and the moment op- 
portune every form of lethal violence from mob revolt 



to private assassination must be used without stint or 
compunction. The citadel will be stormed under the 
banners of Liberty and Democracy; and once the ap- 
paratus of power is in the hands of the Brotherhood, all 
opposition, all contrary opinions must be extinguished 
by death. Democracy is but a tool to be used and after- 
wards broken.” 

Yes, that was Churchill, the British Bulldog, the Sa- 
viour of Humanity! who announces that Britain’s policy 
is to maintain unbroken friendship with the devils he de- 
scribes! He allows his underlings to delude the masses 
with the catchword ‘“Bolshevist Bogey.” Stalin’s inten- 
tions have been clearly stated by him in LENINISM (Allen 
& Unwin, 1942): they are to build up in Russia a ‘“‘dicta- 
torship of the proletariat” so mighty that it can confront 
the “bourgeois” States with invincible power. Then that 
power will be used against them. The dictatorship is not 
the proletariat at all—the proletariat is powerless. The 
real power is the Jewish influence. Already the plans 
are laid. 

Although there is now some public knowledge about 
the evils of the Gold Standard, thanks to the pioneering 
efforts of the late Arthur Kitson, sufficient perhaps to 
prevent the adoption by this country of a direct Gold 
Standard, there is some liklihood that a camouflaged Gold 
Standard may be foisted upon us. Henry Morgenthau, 
Jr., evolved some such plan at the Internationa] Mone- 
tary Conference at Bretton Woods in 1944. Discussion 
of this in the House of Commons was prevented by trick- 
ery. Wall Street will go along with Jewish controlled 
gold-producing interests of South Africa and with the 
Soviets. The weapons of domination will be 

1. Gold 
2. Inextinguishable Debt. 

A peace of domination may be enforced by means of 
an International Airforce maintained by the Jewish in- 
fluenced United Nations Organization. 


The Earl of Harewood, Grand Master of the United 
Grand Lodge of England, at the Annual] Investure of Of- 
ficers of Freemasonry, 26th April 1944, expressed the 


‘.. . that before the next Festival, Europe would 
be secure, and that these officers appointed that day 
would enter into a year in which the principles of 
Freemasonry and their influence would be able to play 
a valuable part in the peace settlements throughout the 

Thus we have on the authority of the Grand Master 
that Freemasonry is political and that the Grand Lodge is 
part of a world-wide organization.* 

In 1937 King George VI accepted Freemasonic office 
at the hands of a subject.t That is virtual abdication. It 
is a point to consider if everything the Government has 
done since has been illegal, including the precipitation of 
the Empire into a war and the indefinite imprisonment 
without trial of patriotic men and women who sought to 
prevent it. 

Sir Stafford Cripps, whose leanings towards Marxism 
are well known, made this interesting statement about the 
coming war at Ipswich, 13th October 1935: 

“If war comes, as come it may, that war has to be 
used for the destruction of Capitalism. It will have to 
be used by the workers in this country to undermine 
the whole system.” 

The workers have been so thoroughly propagandized 
by Jewish influences on the Marxist theory that they do 

*See MARXISM AND JUDAISM, by Salluste. 

tA regularly issued Government Postage Revenue Stamp, in 
addition to showing the crowned head of King George VI, which is 
customary, carries five important Masonic symbols—the Square and 
Compass, the Trowel, the Setting Maul, a Sprig of Acacia carried by 
the Dove of Peace and a looped Cable Tow. This official recognition 
of Freemasonry does much to indicate in what high regard the 
Fraternity is held in that country. To win such an honor is abun- 
dant proof that the influence of Masonic principles and teaching 
are reflected in the vision, progress and welfare of the nation. (From 
the Masonic Chronicler, Waterloo, Wisconsin, U. S. A.) 


not know that ABSENTEE OWNERSHIP and USURY are 
their real enemies. The English authors, Arthur Penty 
and Hilaire Belloc are worth reading on this subject. 

Important Zionists forecast with confidence that 
Britain is to be forced to yield Palestine to the Jews after 
the war. For example, in the New York Times of January 
38rd, 1946, Louis Lipsky, of the World Zionist Executive 
Committee, warned Britain that “an axe may be driven” 
into the British Imperial line to India. At this rally at 
Carnegie Hall, sponsored by prominent American Zion- 
ists, Hungarian-born Rabbi Stephen Wise, pointing at the 
banners in the hall bearing the legend “American Chalut- 
zim Ready to Build and Defend Palestine” and ‘Aliya, 
under all circumstances,” declared: 


“We mean exactly what that says,” adding, “and 

no government can prevent it.” 

Evidently the Jews can arrogantly threaten the gov- 
ernments of the world and be lauded for it but criticism 
of them is forbidden. There is to be “free speech” on 
every subject except their own international] intrigue which 
keeps the world in a turmoil. 

Congressman Patterson has introduced a bill, H. R. 
6897, June 27, 1946, in the House of Representatives in 
the United States which is to make any criticism of Jew- 
ish activities punishable by fine and imprisonment. 

In both England and the United States patriots have 
been imprisoned for such criticism. It is not yet possible 
to execute them as in Soviet Russia (where criticism of 
Jewish activities is a capital offense) and as Peucheu was 
judicially executed in North Africa. However, it is un- 
likely that there is enough informed opinion in either 
country to offer any serious resistance to such a policy. 

Chapter XX 


I have shown in the foregoing pages that every osten- 
sible “cause” for this war given by politicians and press 
is false. 


The nations that were fighting were forced into it by 
the Jewish Influences of “Democracy” and of Bolshevism. 
The People are quite unable to protect themselves against 
the influence of Organized World Jewry under the demo- 
cratic system. 

The stupid doctrine that to be anti-Jewish is to be 
pro-German has been preached by some of our Parliamen- 
tary politicians. That such is not true is shown by the 
words of Rev. C. B. Mortlock, preaching in Westminister 
Abbey 2nd January 1943 on the occasion of the offering 
of a special prayer for the “persecuted” Jewish people. He 

“How often do you come across the man who is 
willing to do everything possible to defeat the Germans 
utterly, yet admits he has some sympathy for Hitler’s 
denunciation of the Jews.” (Jewish Chronicle, 8th Jan- 
uary 1943.) 

Hundreds of decent British citizens were jailed for 
years without trial or charge simply because they were 
aware of the menace of the Jewish influence and its meth- 
ods of working. They were dangerous to Jews, not to 
their country. They were loyal to their own race when 
the Government was not “The Bolshevist Bogey” is no 
ghost story, but a Jewish inspired reality.* 

Sir George W. Rendel said: 

“|, . anti-semitism in Europe is one of the things the 

*See MARXISM AND JUDAISM, by Salluste. 


United Nations are fighting to destroy. We hope to 
establish in Central Europe countries without racial 

Similarly, in June 1944, Mr. Michael Foot said at a 
meeting in Grosvenor House: 

“When the armies of the United Nations go back 
into Europe, one of their main purposes must be to 
stamp out the anti-semitic creed which had been 
preached by Hitler.’’* 

“One of the things’! ‘One of the main purposes”! 
it was the ONE AND ONLY PURPOSE, since none other 
can be substantiated. 

Even the Jewish Chronicle agrees with this conclu- 
sion in its leading article of 2nd February 1945, which 
speaks of ‘anti-semitism, without which this war would 
probably not have come about.” 

Well, it DID come about, and the result is the sheer 
devastation of the best part of Europe and its domination 
by Bolshevism, whilst the British Empire, nearly ruined 
and rotten to the core with Jewish influences, sinks back 
to the position of a second-class power. 

I am glad to have done the little that was possible 
to try to prevent all this and regret only that the Jewish 
influence acting through the power of Money and Propa- 
ganda in the opposite direction, has won the first round 
hands down, by sacrificing millions of Gentile dupes in a 

The Jews will also win the next round unless those 
of us who possess intelligence and character will use both 
and realize as Disraeli wrote—-ALL IS RACE, and seek 
to eliminate from our civilization and culture the Jewish 
influence which has caused the great bloody schisms 
between the western peoples of kindred race and spirit. 

*Mr. Atlee, moving the resolution for ratification of the San 
Francisco plan for peace, said: “Although the agreement prevented 
the world organization from interfering in the domestic affairs of 
any country, he was sure that it would act swiftly if, for example, 
there was ever such another outrage as the treatment of the Jews 
in Germany by Hitler.” 

Appendix I 


It is timely to comment on the expression War of Ex- 
termination which appears in Hitler’s speeches as the 
bombardment of civilian populations from the air in- 
creased in intensity. 

In Hitler’s peace offer of March 31, 1936, the limi- 
tation of aerial warfare beyond the range of medium- 
heavy artillery was sought. The offer was rejected.* 

On Friday, May 10, 1940, the open town of Freiburg, 
outside the zone of military operations, was bombed by 
the aeroplanes of the Western Powers. Fifty-three civil- 
ians including twenty children playing in a public garden 
were killed and 151 civilians injured. Mr. Taylor of the 
American Red Cross reported the incident in the New 
York Times of May 18, 1940. 

This was the first bombing of civilian populations in 
defenseless towns outside the zone of military operations. 
The Germans protested and continued to protest without 
retaliation as Allied planes continued the bombardment 
of civilian populations. After some months the German 
military authorities warned that the retaliation not yet 
resorted to would come if bombing of civilians and un- 
protected cities outside the battle zones continued. 

The bombing did not cease. 

It would appear that it did not cease because the 
Allies sought retaliation for propaganda purposes. Re- 
taliation came with the bombing of London in September, 

Hitler’s desire to limit aerial warfare to battle-zones 
had been set at naught. 

*See Appendix II, page 112. 


With the increasing bombing of civilian population 
Hitler’s addresses began to mention the war of extermi- 
nation. The Allied purposes gave all the appearances of 
an endeavor to exterminate the German population. (The 
senseless and almost complete obliteration of Dresden, 
one of the most beautiful cities of old Europe, February 
of 1945, is certainly an indication of the intent. Crowded 
with refugees fleeing the Bolshevik terror in the East, 
many thousands of civilians were killed. Subsequent events 
since the termination of the conflict serve only to strength- 
en belief in a planned program of extermination.) The 
Germans began to take counter-measures against those 
within their reach whom they considered responsible. 

Had not Samuel Landman written in his pamphlet 
Zionist Publications, London 1936): 

“.. . the fact that it was Jewish help that brought 
the U.S. A. into the War on the side of the Allies (1917 
—Ed.) has rankled ever since in German—especially 
Nazi minds—and has contributed in no small measure 
to the prominence which anti-semitism occupies in the 
Nazi program.” ? 

Of the making of the peace of 1919, Dr. E. J. Dillon 
of the London Daily Telegraph wrote in his book THE IN- 
1920) that the delegates to the Conference from Eastern 
Europe set down the formula: 

“ ‘Henceforth the world will be governed by the 
Anglo-Saxon people, who in turn are swayed by their 
Jewish elements’... and who regard it as fatal to the 
peace of Eastern Europe.” (Page 497.) 

Had not Samuel Untermeyer made for World Jewry 
a declaration of war against Germany over the American 
radio station WABC on August 7, 1933, when he spoke of 


. . the holy war in the cause of humanity in 
which we are embarked’’? 

Did not the Jewish author, Theodore N. Kaufman, 


in his book GERMANY MUST PERISH (Argyle Press, 
Newark, N. J., 1941) recommend the extermination of the 
Germany people by sterilization? 

Can the Jews blame other than themselves for all that 
has happened to them in Europe? 

Hitler, in his speeches, spoke of the international as- 
pects of the Jewish people as a man who had to deal in 
daily affairs with this problem as a world force effecting 
his country. His addresses are available to anyone who 
will take the trouble to read them. But there are better 
theoreticians on this matter than Hitler. 

One is the Israelite scholar Bernard Lazare, already 
mentioned on page 38. 

Another is Theodore Herzl and from him I will quote 
but one short paragraph: 

“When we sink we become a revolutionary prole- 
tariat, the subordinate officers of all revolutionary 
parties, and at the same time, when we rise, there rises 
also our terrible power of the purse.” (The Jewish State, 
page 26, Central Office of the Zionist Organization, 
London, 1934.) 

Hitler never wrote anything more devastating than 

Appendix II 


In 1936 Hitler sent notes to the British government 
advocating outlawing of the bomber type plane and of air 

In Geneva, Anthony Eden, then British Foreign Sec- 


retary, defended the bomber as an “effective and hu- 
mane police weapon” in maintaining law and order among 
the unruly tribes in some of the British colonies. 

On April 1, 1936, according to records of the Geneva 
League of Nations, Joachim von Ribbentrop, then Ger- 
man Ambassador to London, delivered a note from Hitler 
on a European pacification plan in which, among other 
proposals for limitation of arms, he proposed: 

Prohibition of dropping of gas, poisonous or incen- 
diary bombs. 

Prohibition of dropping bombs of any kind whatso- 
ever on open localities outside the range of medium ar- 
tillery on fighting fronts. 

Prohibition of bombardment with long-range guns 
of places more than 12 miles distant from battle zones. 

Abolition and prohibition of artillery of heaviest 

The note added: 

“The German government hereby declare them- 
selves prepared to accede to every such arrangement in- 
sofar as it is internationally valid. 

“The German government believes if only a first 
step is taken on the road to disarmament, this will have 
an enormous effect on relations between nations and 
consequently to the return of that atmosphere of con- 

fidence which is the prior condition for the develop- 
ment of trade and prosperity.” 

Eden, in his reply to von Ribbentrop five weeks later, 
on May 6, 1986, said the German memorandum ‘is most 
important and deserving of careful study.” (Excerpt from 
Karl von Wiegand’s cable from Rome, 19th Nov. 1946, to 
the New York Journal-American.) 

Appendix IH 


2nd October 1946 
The Editor of The Times (London) 

Judged by the Nuremberg Law many of the men most 
honoured in history must be adjudged felons deserving of 
hanging. If aggression and fomenting war between states 
is criminal, it would seem strange to posterity that Na- 
poleon’s remains should rest enshrined as on an altar 
beneath the dome of the Invalides while Ribbentrop’s are 
buried beneath a gallows. Among the charges brought 
against this particular accused is that he helped his fel- 
low Germans of the Sudetenland against the Czechoslo- 
vak government. But Cavour, Mazzini and Garibaldi de- 
voted their lives, with the general applause of posterity, 
to fomenting insurrections among the Italians of Lombardy 
and Venetia against their lawful Austrian sovereign. 

Another of Ribbentrop’s “crimes” was signing the 
order incorporating Austria in the Reich. Apart from 
the fact that this was done with the approval of at least 
a considerable body of Austrians, wherein is the unfor- 
tunate German’s guilt greater than that of Dr. Jameson’s 
who in 1896 levied war on the Transvaal; or that of Cecil 
Rhodes and Sir Alfred Milner, both of whom certainly 
worked for the destruction of the two Boer Republics and 
their incorporation in the British Empire? We did not 
hang Jameson when he was handed over to us by the Boer 

Americans know too, that many of their countrymen 
held that Lincoln was not justified in coercing the seced- 

ing states by force of arms. Then he, with Sherman and 
Sheridan, the authors of the practice of “frightfulness” in 



war, should hang in effigy beside the former German am- 
bassador to the Court of St. James. 

Another charge against the ex-diplomat is that he 
approved the lynching of allied aviators carrying out ma- 
chine-gun attacks on the civilian population. There are 
still British people who believe this form of attack was 
peculiar to the other side. I remain, 

Yours faithfully, 

Appendix IV 


J. Pulitzer, Jewish Editor and Publisher of the St. 
Louis Post-Dispatch, is reported as urging that the en- 
tire German General Staff, the industrialists and finan- 
ciers, and almost all, if not all the members of the Ges- 
tapo and S. S. should be shot as war criminals. 

The behind-the-scenes organizer of the International 
Military Tribunal to try “war criminals” is Judge Samuel 
I. Rosenman, Jewish adviser to the late President Roose- 
velt and to President Truman. 

John J. O’Donnel, in his column Capitol Stuff, New 
York Daily News, 16th May 1946, writes: 

“The job as chief prosecutor at the war crimes 
trial at Nurnberg was, of course, a carefully planned 
political build-up for (Justice Robert) Jackson, the 
candidate for Governor of New York. The record and 
legal philosophy developed at Nurnberg have utterly 
destroyed any standing that Jackson might have as an 
exponent of justice under law, but the boys still figure 
that the shabby performance can be transmuted into 
votes.” (Evidently “the boys” changed their minds—it 
was too shabby.) 


Allied Mission for German Reparations in Moscow has 
as its members: 

American—Isador Lubin. 
Polish—The Jewish Somerstajn. 
British—The Jewish Sir David Waley 
French—The Jewish Rueff. 

Austrian Provisional Government: 

The head of this government is Karl Renner... On 
the 22nd June 1928 he wrote to President Masaryk of 
Czechoslovakia asking him to assist ‘in the interests 
of humanity” the escape of Bela Kun (known as Cohen, 
and leader of the red terror in Hungary and Spain) 
who was in Austria and wanted to go back to Russia. 
Renner said that he had enabled Kun to escape from 
Hungary to Russia on a former occasion (1919). 

UNRRA—United Nations Relief and Rehabilita- 
tion Administration: 

It’s director-general was the Jewish Herbert Leh- 
man. He was succeded by Fiorello La Guardia of 
many Jewish connections. His wife is Jewish. Their 
adopted children profess the Protestant faith. 

Director General Lehman earlier in the year called 
British General Sir Frederick E. Morgan to New York 
to report on his statement of a well organized plan of 
the Jews, looking prosperous and well fed, to get out 
of Europe—a second exodus, he called it. Arriving in 
Berlin, with plenty of money, they certainly do not look 
like a persecuted people, he said. Mr. Lehman exoner- 
ated General Morgan of any intent to belittle the plight 
of the Jews. 

On August 21, 1946, the present Director General 
La Guardia is reported to have found it “possible to 
release General Morgan.” He will be replaced by 
Meyer Cohen. 


UNRRA has many Jews on its staff: H. Alphand 
in France, in the Welfare Division is H. Greenstein; A. 
J. Rosemen was deputy chief in the Balkans; M. Gotts- 
chalk was a liaison officer in Frankfort. The UNRRA 
is not permitted to operate in Germany or Western 
Europe. ' 

Mr. La Guardia made a vicious attack on the Chi- 
cago Tribune when questioned about UNRRA funds. 

UNO—United Nations Organization appointments: 

Chairman of Committee to set up commission on 
control of Atomic Energy: The Jewish D. J. Manuilsky, 
Soviet Ukraine. 

American member of the United Nations commis- 
sion on Atomic Energy: Bernard Baruch. The Times 
(London) 19th March 1946 says “to him will be made 
over the results of the preliminary study of the problem 
of nuclear “fission,” and David Lilienthal. 

Assistant Secretary-General in charge of informa- 
tion is Benjamin Cohen. 

American Representative on the Committee on 
UNRRA: Rep. Sol Bloom, also Chief of the Foreign Af- 
fairs Committee of the House of Representatives. 

General Counsel to the Secretary-General: Abra- 
ham Feller. 

Spanish Republican Government to replace Franco: 

President: Diego Martinez Barrios, Grand Master 
of Spanish Grand Orient Freemasons. 

Prime Minister: J. Giral, a Grand Orient Mason. 

Foreign Secretary: The Jewish de los Rios. 
Various National Appointments: 

Ambassador Extraordinary for Economic and Fi- 
nancial Missions abroad for France: Leon Blum. 


Charge d’Affaires for Poland in U. S. A. (Wash- 
ington): Jewish Stephan Littauer (See Chapter I). 

Consul General for Poland in U. S. A.; The Jewish 
J. Galewski. 

Under-Secretary of State U. S. A.: Dean Acheson 
once the private secretary to Justice Louis D. Brandeis. 
He obtained his first important appointment through 
the influence of Justice Felix Frankfurter. 

Official Observer in the Atom Bombing of Naga- 
saki: The Jewish journalist W. L. Lawrence. 

French spokesman in Moscow re: plans for Rhur 
and Rhineland: The Jewish H. Alphand. 

Lord Chief Justice of Britain: Lord Goddard; his 
wife is a Jewess Schuster. 

Canadian Espionage Case, 1946: 

The majority of the accused are Jewish. Fred 
Rose, the Communist M. P., whose real name is Rosen- 
berg, and Sam Carr, whose real name is Cohen. 


A scholarly study of an important influence disturb- 
ing the peace of the world. A translation from the Revue 
de Paris. Price, 3 shillings. 


A la Veille de la Renaissance, Eberlin. 

American Hebrew. 

American Journal of Semitic Languages. 

Atlantic Monthly. 

Carnegie Institute, Washington, D. C. 

Case of Tyler Kent, John Howland Snow, Domestic and Foreign 


Century Magazine. 

Chicago Tribune. 

Cleveland News. 

Coningsby, 1844. 

Daily Express (London). 

Daily Mail (London). 

Daily Sketch (London). 

Daily Telegraph (London). 

Disgrace Abounding, Douglas Reed, Jonathan Cope. 

Economist (London). 

Evening News (London). 

Evening Standard (London). 

Financial News (London). 

Financial (Times). 

Foreign Capital in Poland, L. Wellicz. 

Germany Must Perish, Theo Kaufman, Argyl Press, 1940. 

Great Contemporaries, Winston Churchill. 

Guerilla Warfare. 

Hand Book No. 43, Poland. 

Hebrew Origins, J. T. Meek, Harpers, 1936. ; 

Inside Story of the Peace Conference, E. J. Dillon, Harpers, 1920. 

It Might Have Happened To You. 

Jewish Chronicle (London) 

Jewish Post 

Jewish World. 

La Revue de Paris. 

La Vie de Tangier. 

Leninism, Stalin. 

Life (U. S. A.) 

Life of Arnold, Dean Staley. 

Life of Lord George Bentinck. 

London Times. 

Manchester Guardian. 

Marxism and Judaism, by Salluste, La Revue de Paris, Juillet Aout, 
1928. First English translation. A scholarly study of an important 
influence disturbing the peace of the world. Price three shillings. 

Masonic Chronicler, Waterloo, Wise., U. S. A. 

New Leader (New York). 

New York Daily News. 

New York Journal-American. 

New York Times. 

Nineteenth Century. 

A People’s Runnymede, R. J. Scrutton, Andrew Dakers, 1924. 

St. Louis Post-Dispatch. 

Sunday Chronicle (London). 

Sunday Express (London). 

The Jews and Palestine, Samuel Landman. 

The Jewish State, Theodor Herzl. 

Toronto Evening Telegram. 

Unfinished Victory, Arthur Bryant, Macmillian, 1940. 

Washington Star. 


Abadié, - Ji-reresae 98 
Aboulker, H.------------- _. 97 
Absentee ownership.. 107 
Acheson, Dean....._-.....-.-.---.--------- 118 
Britain and France 
against Germany .----------------- 26 

Germany against Poland....3, 5 
Soviet Ally against 
Esthonia, Latvia and 
against Finland.. 
against Poland.------------------- 
Aliens bill (1904), 

Churchill aids 
Alington, Dr., 

a Christian on war.............--- 35 
Alphand, H........0...00000--..---. 
American Hebrew... 
Amery z 
Anti-nazi League---------------.-------- 
Anti-semitism causes 

war......-.- ---18, 85, 86, 108-9 
Arnold, Dr,- 38, 39 
Atlantic Monthly... 32 

Alied i ee 

Shooting PWs. 

Baker, Noel 

Aids underground in 

Germany vavava- 72 
Balfour Declaration..-----------. 29, 77 
Barbusse, Henri.--------------------------- 63 
Barrios: oeoo tte NAS 117 
Baruch, Bernard. , 117 
Bearsted, Lord..............--..-...-.---- 91 
Bëck; | Colsena2 2530 ed 2 
Bentinck, Lord George.. . 81 
Bentwich, Norman...._.- . 99 

Berkani, A.__.......... . 98 
Bernays, R.........-.----.--------- . 94 
Bernstein, Col. Bernard --100 
Bevin, Ernest... . 95 
Bialik _.W........ .. 80 
Bloch, Pucat iieii 98 
Bloom, Sol 97, 117 
Blum, Leon._.. 22 117 
Bodoglio ___o.2...2.222e eee nee enn 98 
Boer Republics ...-_..........-....--.----- 114 
Bombing Civilians ---------------------- 110 

Hitler sought to outlaw 
in 1936 

Bovenschen, Sir F., C.---------------- 90 
Boycotts.____...--------------- 69, 82, 84, 85 
See Jews 
Bracken, Brenden............-...-.----- 85 
Bretton Woods os 
Bright, John ..........--...-..------- 
Russian aid necessary 
to crush Germany.......... 56, 57 
War with Germany de- 
pends on Poland ....._....... 2, 58 
War with Japan de- 
pends on U. S, A... 58 
Brown, David A. 

Jews want war on Germany 69 
Brown, 9 
Burgin, L. 

Canary Islands 

invasions of planned.............. 23 
Carlyle, Thomas 

on democracy ............-.----.-.------ 43 
Carnegie Institute 

Roosevelt genealogy...........-..-- 25 
Carr, Sam (Cohen)... ....118 

Carsain -no-n .. 98 
Cavour -...-...-. 114 
Cazalet, Thelma..._......0-.22....-..---- 91 
Chamberlain, Ne- 

Willem: 22 nea 2, 70, 89, 95 
Chamberlain, Sir Austen.......... 86 
Chandler, Senator --- 22 
Chicherin _........... _ 97 
China ereer tise 44 
Chornyakhovsky -. _.. 97 
Chosen people idea een eee 38 
Christianity betrayed 

by churchmen..........-.. 31, 32, 35 
Churchill, Winston 

Aids Jewish immigration 

to Britain (1904).....-.--------- 93 
And Bernard Baruch __ 45, 92 
And Rothschilds ._........-... 45, 92 
Associations and connec- 

TIONG! eona eres eei I, 92 
Condemns Commun- 

İSM ii 44, 45, 51, 104 
Defends Fascism... 52 
Praises Hitler...---------.---- 

Ciano: 222. see 

Clark, Senator B. C. 
Exposes Hollywood war- 
mongering -ooon 72 


Clark, Gen’l Mark... 34 

on democracy._...............-...-— 43 
Cohen, Benjamin... 117 
Cohen, Meyer... 116 
Communism explained.__........... 80 

Coniff, Frank 
Shooting PWs 

Coningsby _..--2...-- eee eee 
Daladier 002. ee eee 46 
Davies, Joseph E. 
Peace with Hitler Ger- 
many possible.----------------------- 19 
Hitler sought peace 
with Britain. 20 
Davis, R. J. 
Britain and Poland..._.......... 8 
Alliance with dictators....13, 44 
And _ Irresponsibility.__...... 40, 41 
Carlyle—no nation can 
subsist on... ae 43 
by inferiors.-------------------------- 43 
Death of Britannia... 9 
Dictatorship of Jewish 
money powetr......... ~- 11 
Goethe—calls odious -.- - 42 

Macauley condemns.-... P 
Mills calls hurtful... 43 
Stifles resistance to 
Tool for communists......... 

De la Warr, Earl..._-....-....--...-- 
Devonshire, Duke of... 
Dillon, Dr. EB. J.o- 
On revolution...............-... 
Government by anony- 

Dresden, bombing of...........-..---- 111 
Duff-Cooper..............--.----- 25, 70, 95 

Economist, London..............-.-..-- 95 
Condemns Potsdam 
Eden, Anthony 
And the planners 
l eA yy Picci colitis Bat ees 
Comments on Hitler’s 
peace plans of 1936__... 111-12 
Edmondson, Robt. E............--...-- 69 

Eighteen B, see Regulation 
Eili, Eili, Jewish cry 

of triumph. 84 
Bire A oea E A he ne 24 
Eisenhower, Gen’l Dwight........ 100 
Elliot, Rt. Hon. Walter 

On Jewish war... 86 

Jewish exploitation of 

exposed by Dr. Rugby... 38 
Praised by Churchill... 51 
Praised by British resi- 
dents of Florence._......... 52 

Intl Iabour Office fa- 
vours principles of............. 53 
Feller, Abraham -~-----.---------------- 117 
Finland... 20... ee eee 6, 29 
Ford, Henry 
Jewish financiers cause war 77 

BOX eves tee tees, Selves 13 
France, _.. 98 
Frankfurter, Felix --.-.---------------- 118 

Political Influence.. 

King George............... 

Honoured by stamp.. 
Freiburg bombing...... 
Frièd eani ees ee 


Galewski, J.----n----a---v0-0--2- -022-000 118 
Gamarnik .... --- 80 
Garbett, Dr.. . 31 
Garibaldi __._........ ---114 
George, Kin..............----.----------- 106 

And Poland...---.----------------------- 1-4 

Dismemberment of by 

Britain and France... 27 

Gilmour, Sir J. L es 

Gloucester, Bishop 
Christian Churches un- 

molested by Germans.......... 32 
Christian Church destroyed 

by Soviets -... 101 
Goethe on democracy................ 43 

Goga, Prime Minister of 
Romania, sought to curb 
Jewish influence........... 46, 82 




Halifax, Lord... 2 
Hamwee, Av... eee 99 
Hankey, Lord------------------------------- 95 
Harewood, Earl of... 106 
Hebrew OTiBİnS---.------------------------ 39 
Heine, Heinrich...................-....- 39 
Herzl, Theodor_................ 63, 112 

Hess, Rudolph, peace mission.. 66 
Hitler, Adolf, iii, iv 
Aware of Jewish 
intrigue 112 
Churchill admires._.............. - 51 
Knew world war makers _60-1 
Peace offers rejected by 
“Christian” powers.......... 32, 64, 
66, 71, 110, 112-3 

Trade by barter.........-...-. 48-9 
Hoare, Sir S 
Hollywood promotes war.......... 72 
Hore, Sir A...... 
Hore-Belisha, L. ’ 
Hull, Cordell... 9 


Iceland, occupation of................ 22 

International Labour Office 
Favours German National 
Socialist Labour Program 53 
Favours Fascist Principles... 53 
International Military Trib- 

tinal) eee eee 115 
EY b o ates Siete tae che 23 
Italy prosperous 

under Fascism...................-.-.. 52 

Jabotinski, Vladimir.................... 15 

Jackson, Robert... 
Jameson, Dr...... 

Japan. Loene . 58 
Jefferson, Thomas --.------------------- 38 
American Hebrew predicts 
destruction of Hitler... 82 

Boycott Germany......69, 82, 84-5 
British betray Arabs in 
deal to involve U. S. 

Christians judaized. 
Declare war on Germany 

hs Seemann an 83-4, 88, 111 
1938: niet ee cee 81 
And democracy . 41-2 
Exploit equality...........-.....--.. 37-8 

Feeling of inferiority 

explained _. ue. -0 39 
Get U. S. A. into World 

War Tc. 3 ie ee 29, 77, 111 
Gold and poweyv....-.............---- 41 

Jewish Chronicle (London) 
confirms war was Jewish .109 
Make illegal to criticize... 107 
Penetration of Western 

Society described ......... .--. 61-2 
78, 96, 111 
Promote international 
enmities ....................69, 70, 75 

And race .......... ..... 68, 
And revolution.......... 63, 80, 112 
Times (London) confirrns 

war was Jewish............... 50 
Times (New York) con- 
firms war was Jewish .... 101 

Threaten British Empire ..... 75 
Threaten to disturb 

peace of Europe .............. 74-5 
Threaten war on account 

of Palestine —......00.... 74, 107 
And the underground............101 

And world domination 
through United Nations 
and war of survival. 48, 80 

Jones, Edgar Lycee OS 

Kaganoviteh ........0..-2..-...------+- 90, 94 
Katin Massacre... 02-20-00... 6, 7 
Kemal Ataturk... 46 
Kent, Tyler okeanu 14 
Kerensky...._..... = 8, 17 
Kisch, Sir Cecil... 91 
Kitson, Arthur ._ 105 
Koenig, Genl J. oo... ee 98 
Komlosi -_.............. Serama OT 
Kun, Bela... .- 97, 116 
La Guardia, Fiorello ........ 116-17 
Landman, Samuel Peper ia O 
Lang, Dr..........-..2...------ ... 30 
Langer, Senator _ ---100 
Latvia -aa . 25 
Lawrence, W. Le-a.. i eeeeee 118 
Lazare, Bernard .__. ... 38, 63, 112 
Lebor Soa tenine 98 
Leese, Arnold 

persecution of .............. iv, 10, 15 

16, 86, 87, 90, 108 
Foresaw Jewish war in 1933 68 
Lehman, Herbert 0... 
Leninism PERSI Ls 
Levy, Oscar 2.00002. 

Liberation and anarchy............ 101 
Lilienthal, David _.......... p 

Lincoln, Abraham ... 
Lindsay, Kenneth... 
Lippman, Walter... 
Lipsky, Stephan..._.......--....... 

Lithuania oe 

Locker, 75 
Locker-Lampson, Commr. . 94 
LOZOVSKY:: vecten ete ee es 97 
Lubin, Isador-------------------------------- 116 
Lyttleton, Oliver.------------------------ 55 


Macauley, Lord, on democracy 42 
MacDonald, Malcolm ............... 

MacDonald, Ramsay.... 
MacMahon, Sir Henry................ 

Maisky: 22.22. ee 
Manuilsky, D. Z...........-.... 
Marcovitch, J. Eu... 
Marlborough, Duke of.. 

Marx, “Karlin ccchcee ees 
Marxism and Judaism .39, 78, re 
Masaryk: remen nna teens 

Mattuck, Rabbi ..........-.....-2.-..- ni 
Maugham, Lord... a 
Medina, Soloman. 5 
Meek, James T..........-.-.---.---.---.---- 39 
Mendelssohn, Moses.................... 39 
Mensdorff, Count 
Israel won war 1914-18... 76 
Messingsohn, Dr. B... 75 

Meyer, Georges.....--.--.-----no---- -2 98 
Meyer, Rene... .. 98 
Mikloshi -.............-.-.---.-.-- . 98 
Mill, J. S., on democracy.......... 43 
Millner, Sir Alfred........--..-.-.-----. 114 
11) Co) Xe) Ke) | a 97 
Monthoux .......-.2.-------------2eceeeeeeneee 98 

Morgan, Gen'l Sir Frederick 116 
Morgenthau, Henry Jr., and 

the Morgenthau Plan... 98 
99, 100, 105 
Morrison, Herbert.........-.........-.- 14 
Against war in 1914........... 86 
For war in 1939.................. 87 
Mortlock, Rev. ©. B.........-...-..--- 108 

Moseley, Gen. C. H. 

Sensitive to Jewish influ- 
ence in U. S. Av... 72 
Munich .......-.W..--- -. 

Mussolini, Benito 

Nathan, Lord |... 75 
Neimoller, Pastor 
A political agitator............. 32 
Neo - Messianism.._...................- 39 
Nichols, Beverly 
A Jewish war... -2-2 ----- 85 
Non-fraternization Order..... .... 101 
Celebration 00. 2.2.22... 70 
Nye, A. E 
Oliver, Vic... 2. 92 
Palestine ........0 2220s 29, 77 

Patton, General 

Belittled de-Nazification .......101 
Perlzweig, Rabbi M. L............... 84 

Of Arnold Leese......... iv, 10, 16 

Regulation 18B 2.2.00... 14 

Christians by the Soviets 30, 101 
Occupation by Britain 
and Soviets.........22....0.--....--- 
Peuche, judicial murder... 98, 
Political Economic Plan- 
ning (P. E. P.) 10, 91 
Jewish influence 
OPA, effect on America.. i 
Monopoly  ~....-.0.-22- 000-000000- 
Poland, a Jewish interest . 
Pope, on communism ............... 
Potsdam Declaration........ 
Sought war with Ger- 

Many -yan eiS 65, 71 
Forgot Katin massacre.......... 8 
Pulitzer, Joseph -115 
Payde, Moọoishe..--...-.--------------------- 98 
Ramsay, Capt. A. H. M........ 14, 96 
Ravage, M. E.. 76 
Regulation 18B... 14, ‘16, 78, 87, 90 
Reith, Sir John... 95 
Reitz, Col. D..... . 36 
Renner, Karl... -116 
Repington, Col. C. -76 
Rhodes, Cecil.-..-------------------- 114 
Ribbentrop, Joachim von .....113-4 

Rifkind, Judge Samuel H... 100 


Adviser to Gen. Eisenhower 
and McNarney on de- 

Roosevelt, Pres.............-- 25, 36, 50 
Rose, Fred (Rosenberg) 
Rosebery, Lord..................... 

Roseman, A. J... 
Rosenman, Samuel.. 

And Churchill 

AN: JO3T iae e edechces och ahaa ace 
Labor party . p 
And Sikorsky. 

Dismissal of Goga, act of 

dictatorship applauded 
by press 

And Poland... 5 6 
And Esthonia, Latvia 
and Lithuania... 25 
And Christianity... 30, 101 

Salluste i 
San Francisco Conference... 27 
Sassoon, Sir Phillip....... 70, 90, an 
Schoenfeld, R. E ca 
Schultz, Rabbi i dace Las cen aa ce 
Sears, Capt. 
Removes Hitler’s wreath 

from Centotaph...... ...... 68 
Selbourne, Ear] of..... ... 24 
Sherman, Gen......... ...114 
Shertok, Moishe_.. 84 
Sidonia 20.2 ee 65 
Sieff, Moses Israel....11, 70, 91, 94 
Sikorski E EE dct EEI 6 
Silver, Rabbi A. R. -4 
Simon, Lord.............. --- 90 
Smith, Goldwin.... .. 76 
Smuts, Gen. Jan.. . 69 
Sobesi  _..........--.---- _. 97 
Somerstajn, E........-..--.-.-.-.------- 116 
Soulbury, Lord (Rams- 

botham) .-----------------------------4------- 91 
Southwood, Lord (Elias)....... 95 
Spain ssc ee os tae -- 24 
Stalin  _.........-.... -105 
Stanhope, Lord_............-...--.-- 91 

Stein, B. 
Steinhardt, L. 
Stoddard, Lothrop 

On German desire for peace 66 
Stokes, Richard D................- iv, 10 
Strachey, John 

Influenced Rothschild to 

join Labour Party._........... 62 
Strakosch, H . 91, 95 
Sudtenland  _220.2-.2ee ee 114 
Sulzberger, Arthur Hayes........ 101 

Toeplitz, Guiseppe -..--.------.--. --- 
Transvaal -2m m- 

Truman, President 

Unconditional Surrender..........102 
UNRRA ah eanet arit cece enn 117 
Untermeyer, Samuel 
Organized boycott of 
Germany ....0....-2.22..-- 69, 85 

Declares holy war on 

Versailles Treaty... 00... ~- 28 
Prefers communism to 
bet VAC) 6: ia 31 

Wall Street, Jewish influence..105 
Wallenber, Marcus............2.... 99 
Warr, Earl de la... 91 
Wedgewood, Co....... 
Weizmann, Chaim. 
Welles, Summer....... 

Wellisez, L.......... 3 
Winkler  _u. 99 
Wise, Rabbi S. S... 107 

Wolfe, Humbert....__. 
Wood, Kingsley... 
Woolton, Lord..... 

Yerusalemsky 26 
Yureneff oo. cette 97 
Zetland, Marquis of... 91 

Get U. S. into War 1917_...... 77 
At war with Britain... 75, 107 
Zunz, Leopold 9